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mod launcher 2 help!!!!


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sorry about not putting the screenies up but my comp wotnt let me but when i open mod launcher 2 a error message comes up and freezes the application help??


did you do the 'locate nheat' feature on it? u have to help it find the run folder....check the first menu and theres a 'locate nheat' option - select that then click thru to find your run folder and double-click on it, ok that, select a mod in the mod list then select 'launch game' or whatever it is.


let me know if it still crashes plz :thumbs_up:

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It can be a little tricky when initially setting it up...so join the majority .. just persist.. when it "freeze itself " just keep the window open and click on file and then select locate NHeat again..and keep trying.. is is a little fiddly but you'll click through to the run folder in your nascar heat game in the end. When done all will be well and you can use the extra features that mod launcher 2 provides so easily.

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