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New UkDirt Tutorials


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I've put some tutorials on my website HERE

I hope they are of some use!

If you find any mistakes please give me a pm or post on this thread ;)

I think they're all correct


The tutorials are:


To Make Tex File from Tga File

To Make Mod File from 3ds File

To Make Car File

To Edit Physics


Thanks to Erik and NickM and everyone else on the forum for teaching it to me!


cheers :thumbs_up:


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sorry sorry sorry

i meant editting physics for making a new car like changing wheelbase

i didn't think people would use it to cheat :3::rolleyes:

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Thanks to Erik


No problem :thumbup:


One thing though..when I click on your links it says "404:PAGE NOT FOUND" or words to that effect.

Edited by erik
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when i made the tutorials, i made them from a modellers perspective, not even considering the potential of their use for cheating

i think anyone who is willing to cheat is a dishonest and unfair racer :thumbs_down:

i have now taken off the editting physics section which seems to be a major problem and cause of controversy.


can anyone think of any way to provide a tutorial to change the wheel position of a car made in 3dsmax without opening up the possibility for cheating

i know i would have found a physics tutorial useful in making my car!





ps. the other tutorials are up and running again now (not physics)

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Nice tutorials Pazza, I'm sure they will be helpful to some :thumbup:


There is something that allows you to change the wheelbase of a model without editing the physics file. You can download it from here :thumbup:



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cheers erik

i can't get that tirebasechanger to work

the exe just does nothing when i double click on it :shrug:

it'll probably work on other people's machines so that'll be useful :thumbs_up:




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i've added one more tutorial for adding your new wheel to the game

either for adding it to the Car file of a new car you are making, or for adding it to the part.res file (Eriks tutorial) for use with any car by changing the drivers.txt file wheelbase_name entry



altering the part.res file may cause cheat messages when online (for offline use only)

i don't think adding your wheel to your new car will cause cheat messages but i'm not sure


you get get loads of wheel skins from the downloads section of My Webpage

hopefully we can now have a greater selection of skins ;)


i'm just making these tutorials as i make my car

it'll stop me from forgetting :blink:







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