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Help with windows media


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can anyone help me as I was listening to music the now and have just lost my sound for some strange reason . can anyone tell me how to get it back :shrug::unsure:


Heres a pic to let u see what I mean


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Try clicking on the more information button.



If that does not work try using another media player.

And if it still doesnt work then you may need to get a new Sound card or the sound card has moved inside


This happened to me a while back and i found out that the sound card had moved and wasnt right in.


Mart :thumbup:

Edited by martwisely
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those files with the exclamation mark mean that media player doesn't recognize the file or it is corrupt i think

thats why it wont play

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well I went more information and it came up with this any ideas what to do next as am no good with laptops :rofl::banghead2:


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wahay got my sound back :thumbup:

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