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  Marcy_Boi#133 said:

Sorry to disappoint you...I stripped the car the day after the Fig 8 World and we're weighing it in tomorrow....proper dinosaur motor and he won more than enough money in it to pay for it!


How much did he pay for it? must of been in half decent condition?


I bet the paint alone cost a fair bit too lol


signwriting can be a combination of vinyl and airbrush. Can also be done quickly with spraycans if you have the right masking. Here is an example of my signwriting skills using an aerosol can of enamel paint and good vinyl masks...





  sparky68 said:

signwriting can be a combination of vinyl and airbrush. Can also be done quickly with spraycans if you have the right masking. Here is an example of my signwriting skills using an aerosol can of enamel paint and good vinyl masks...





Thats very nice Sparky :thumbs_up:

Posted (edited)
  lenny said:

Bradderz..what type of signwriting? Vinyl?Airbrush?Or good old Brush?

airbrush and i want do do some like sparkys but heres my main target to paint:

(sparky learn me how to do that please)

the stinkbridge in this:

and the other lol i want to signwrite like dan klyn he's who i want to be as good as!

and i like the effect on sparkys



Edited by braderz516

You shouldn't be looking at that kind of picture at your age, don't get to carried away when your painting the naughty bits lol



Bradderz im not putting you down or anything but if i was you i would wait a couple of years, i was going to get a airbrush for my birthday but i didnt because i was told there realy hard to use, dan klyn,roy fuller, sign right have been doing it for years so they know the in's and outs of how to use one, i might get one this year and start practicing.

Posted (edited)

Bradderz..People will be happy to help im sure..but..aiming at Dan Klyn etc status is abit above you for now..otherwise everyone would be able to do it, and Dan Klyn wouldnt be anything special.


If i were you id give painting with a normal brush ago for a bit to get used to signwriting and different lettering styles?


PS..You should have said Sparky teach me to do that please not Sparky learn me how to do that please..Do you not study English at school ;)

Edited by lenny

I actually did a signwriting work experience thing at school (gave up cos i was useless lol) but the way I was taught was that the bloke took out a slate and painted on the alphabet and numbers 0-9, all in the signwriter style (u know what i mean).


He then gave it to me and said Go and practice, and practice, and practice, and ......you get the idea!!


You need to master a certain style of writing before even thinking of tryin g anything flash. Print off some fonts from ur pc and try copying them.


Why not source local signwriters and ask to tag along once a week etc to learn the trade?

Posted (edited)

Braderz, I've seen pictures of cars painted by the likes of Roy Fuller, Dan Klynn etc, and obviously, it would take years of practice to be able to signwrite like that. I had a go at doing the 'signs' (term used loosley) on my Mini last year, and, as you can see, made a backside of it (I painted on all the writing but the number fin which was done by my dad).




As others have said, asking your local signwriter if you can go along with them might not be a bad idea. You might also want to see if you can get a hold of some scrap metal to practice on before attempting to write on a car.


Edited by erik
Posted (edited)

As Boss said, practise, practise, practise, practise, practise, practise, practise, and then when youve done that, do it all over again.

I used to airbrush my bangers, and it would take fappin ages to do.

TBH, you can get a quicker result with some brushes, the only advantage or bonus of an air brush, is that the paint comes out fairly evenly, so you can laquer over the top to get an even flat shine and surface.[attachmentid=15036]

This one was airbrushed


And this one was hand painted quickly by me missus.



Edited by mcrew

If you want to learn how to be able to do it Braderz then why not look for guides on the internet, or in books. As I have a couple of books and magazines which tell you the basics on how to do it...not that I've ever tried yet, though plan to in the future :rolleyes:


i tried quite basic signs today on a model with markers (pics up tomorrow.)and i will keep practising.thanks for the tips lads :thumbup: greatly appreciated.i have an airbrush (a cheap one)and i owuld like to learn the basics first.(with a normal brush)on my dads capri(which is being weighed in.)so i will not try that dan klyn level yet!lol and if you think i can handle sparks level.Sparky please can you learn me how to write in that font? cheers,




Here you go, practice with the basic signwriter font, to be a good signwriter this basic font shud be mastered as it is the most commonly used.


IPB Image

  The London Allstar said:

You call that a mini erik :S


Yes and I call you a wucking fanker.

Posted (edited)

Lmao thats eric's best reply yet. :thumbs_up: Allstar, his car does not look the part and may not be up to speed but atleast he tried racing in real life. :thumbs_down:

Edited by Tombo209

I can't teach you, it's all about the masking in my opinion. I made my masking out of vinyl at work and used the font 'padaloma' for the text. I used enamel paint which you can buy from B&Q or any other diy store and masked the panel off, then sprayed the paint on, lighter colour first. Let it dry then peel you're mask off and it should look pretty good.




Posted (edited)
  tombo_509 said:

at least he tried racing in real life. :thumbs_down:


My sentiments exactly.


(this is erik on Jenny's account, she left it signed in).

Edited by Jenny092



Sorry if this is a "silly" post but I did a Google search on what a vinyl mask was as I was unsure, and still a bit curious. Am I right in thinking that you can use a machine or computer programme to make a vinyl mask of any font or logo etc, then somehow print it out and tape it onto the panel you want and then you paint over it, leave the paint to dry, peel of the vinyl mask and your done? But if so how would you get the shaddow and outline round the lettering or logo as you have to put the lighter colours on first? If I am correct, what computer programme or machine is it you reccomend to use for this sort of thing. Very interesting topic.


Martin ;)

Posted (edited)

We've got a vinyl cutter in school where you feed a roll of vinyl through and a scribe scratches the design (which is designed on 2D Design) into the vinyl. You peel off the sticky back and stick the vinyl on. I looked into getting an A4 desktop vinyl cutter, but I think they are around £400 :( . I'll just use the one in school, which is an A2 Roland something :thumbup: Gets good results though ;)

Edited by pazza
  braderz516 said:

i tried quite basic signs today on a model with markers (pics up tomorrow.)and i will keep practising.thanks for the tips lads :thumbup: greatly appreciated.i have an airbrush (a cheap one)and i owuld like to learn the basics first.(with a normal brush)on my dads capri(which is being weighed in.)so i will not try that dan klyn level yet!lol and if you think i can handle sparks level.Sparky please can you learn me how to write in that font? cheers,




If you let him weigh in a capri you have no chance of ever being able to signwrite :blink: Sell it to a banger driver as they are paying silly money for cars like that now a days!

  pazza said:

We've got a vinyl cutter in school where you feed a roll of vinyl through and a scribe scratches the design (which is designed on 2D Design) into the vinyl. You peel off the sticky back and stick the vinyl on. I looked into getting an A4 desktop vinyl cutter, but I think they are around £400 :( . I'll just use the one in school, which is an A2 Roland something :thumbup: Gets good results though ;)


Thanks for that Pazza, just wanted to be sure lol :2:


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