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Forza motorsport


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Hello all anyone else got Forza 2 for the xbox 360 just got my copy and have to say abit slow to start with but if you keep at it realy good game.


If you have got it put your gamer tag up and then if we on together we could maybe setup a ukdirt race as the damage is good on it :5:


Cheers jay

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i got forza2 and like it alot just takes a bit of time to get into it as you start of with crap cars then once u start winning some career races to get more money it gets better this game is huge 300 cars and loads of tracks you can also paint ur own cars which i'm still trying to do,not played much online as i find it hard to join servers i either get game full or failed to connect :banghead2: auction house is cool too were u can by or sell cars from other people,will be getting colin mcrae tommoz then next week flatout utilmate carnage which looks superb from the trailer :2:

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