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Vauxhall Cresta PC


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Here's my latest creation for the pre 68 type class. Few piccys of a template test car in old skool style.

Car physics based on westy but with narrower track and longer wheelbase. The car itself is narrower than a mk2 granny while being a touch longer..as per real life. The real life crestas could perform well on the big smooth tracks but were not that good on bumpy dirt ovals. Have fun and feel free to play about with the template to produce single headlight models and viscount versions etc.

car file and layered psd template here;[attachmentid=17030]










Edited by reg126
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Most crestas in the old skool days that raced were solid....so it doesnt snap...in the days of plentiful car supplies rotten cars and non runners were avoided so the car is damaged to represent more likely damage on a solid car.

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As most models with less detail which does take alot of time and skill to model reg's new cresta will not bend or doing anything like a real car he will just move 4 ploys and call it damage like vx /But will have damage in pacecar 4 for all you tv view fans great model reg :appl:


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Ta reg. :thumbup:


TBH, Im not sure about any of this car in replay and damge malarky, all I know is, Im grateful to ANYONE that has the patience and knowledge to sit down and create these brilliant models for us all to use!

Thanks guys!!!! :2:

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Whatever view you are using in game or in replays as other cars go into the distance down the straight or round the bend you will notice that some may have parts dissappear or that they go from a damaged state to an undamaged state. Using the swaffham tv view just gives ppl an idea of the range at which this occurs in regards car size and the amount of detail needed in pacecar4 files to allow the car to look correct and still retain appropriate looking damage. Having large external parts of a car dissapear is totally undesirable for obvious reasons. Making pacecar 4 files, as stated before, is one of the less interesting parts of making a model and work intensive for the small role it plays in the game. However no one can dispute a car that retains damage as it should is more desirable than an identical car that loses the damage temporarily as it goes into the viewable distance.

People have implied that models which do perform correctly by retaining the damage at pacecar 4 levels must be inferior by having less detail at close up levels. This is completely false . Generally a person that makes models with the extra care to construct proper pacecar4 files is more likely to produce the rest of the model with greater care and attention to detail than someone not making pacecar4 files with damage layers.

As regards Swindys comments. I model what I like which are old skool type cars of types mainly raced in the 70's and early 80's so I have much more experience on how they damage. My models are given typical damage for the car types involved as limited by the game mechanics and poly count. The older type cars were not built with crumple zones so do damage rather differently from the more modern bacofoil types. Crestas having a nice big 3.3 litre straight 6 engine near the front were not going to ever have the front move back too much as the engine prevents that happening. Damage has to be modelled for a car that still appears drivable . mk2 granadas with a v6 have much more room up front to allow the front to fold more . Basically damage should be appropriate for the car and not modelled just to get the PLAYSTATION brigade saying WOW.

I have raced both fc victors and pc crestas so they would certainly be on my list of cars to model and should not be criticised as being simple and boxy. As my experience grows then I will tackle more curvaceous cars and hopefully make a good job of them too. But much better a decent looking more simple model than something more rounded that looks horrible. By the way...I have raced a series 2 Morris Isis .

Edited by reg126
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Your right on that haadee.. the poly count is less than the vx 490 model I made . Best practise is to keep poly count down as much as reasonably possible to make for smoother online play and lower the chances of warp. Too many higher poly models in game could cause warp so if some drivers are using lower poly models that can only help. I feel it best to keep poly use down and not be wasteful with them. Additionally when making pacecar 4 versions...the higher the number of polys you start with then the longer it will take to lower them down to the right amount. Deciding what detail is best put into a model and what is best left out is down to each modellers choice though all the time any details added will always add to the poly count. As long as a model captures the"FEEL" of the real car then to me that is the most important part of modelling and though the old A60 saloon model maybe relatively crude by current standards..it still captures the feel of the real thing to me in game.

Hopefully your (haadee) little van is coming along well as that looks smashing so far and the curves on that seem to have been produced very well. From its design it will be a high poly model as will any other very curvy models that are shaped well. Fingers crossed that you can get it in game with damage layers as I'm really looking forward to seeing it.

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yh i hope i will succeed with that - otherwise some damage less but more damage in one time.

I got bored on it so im working on other car atm that only needs damaging. The ambulance (van thingy) needs physics and damage,that will be done when finished the other. Then i will release them together if everything goes right :rolleyes: .

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:appl: nice retro model
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I too had the 'roz' problem, if you want to use those wheels reg you'll have to add them into the .car file, you can get around it for now by adding different wheels via the drivers.txt


Brilliant model reg, it's clear to see that you've put alot of time and loving care into it, I agree with you, that a high poly model doesn't necessarily equal a good model, there's no point in wasting polys just because you can.


Very well done :appl:

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The roz wheels files should be within the westy car file...but it seems a few ppl are not getting them come up in game. Chose the roz wheels as I even used them myself when racing a cresta. Seems like best fix is to include the relevant files within the car file.

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The roz wheels files should be within the westy car file


The Brisca legends used to use the wheels from other cars but it causes nothing but problems as the game doesn't know the wheels even exist if the car that has them within it's file isn't in the race.


Add them to the car file as you say, that'll fix it.

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IMPORTANT UPDATE for crestapc car file. Due to the wheel name recongnition problems the car file has now been updated to include the relevant files so should not cause problems as described in the thread.


new file is here; [attachmentid=17059]

Thanx for the info Nick as it helps us all understand the game and modelling better due to your contributions.



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