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Is it possible to change from a tex file back to tga for editing in photoshop.

I have not got the original photoshop or tga file and I was wondering how Iwould go about changing the roof colour if I get regraded.



Posted (edited)

yh it is on my computer any way! right pretend your number is 999 so u find car999.tex

then rename it to car999.tga

hope this helps,


Edited by braderz516
  braderz516 said:

yh it is on my computer any way! right pretend your number is 999 so u find car999.tex

then rename it to car999.tga

hope this helps,




You cant just rename it, it is still a tex file and wont show up in paintshop or photoshop.

Posted (edited)

From memory, there was a program that would let you reverse a tex to a tga, but it lost alot of the detail from the skin.

simply changing the name from text to tga does diddly squat!

You need to rely on some of the ' more experienced' skinpainters/members for advise regarding such programs and not those of some 5 minute-know-it-all .

If you put a search in on the forum, that should unearth the post regerding this matter, its from about 18 months ago if I remember rightly.

Edited by mcrew

Thanks mcrew.

I know changing file name doesn't work, I have found programs on the net but cant get them to work either :banghead2: . Will have a search see what i can find.



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