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Can Anyone tell me how to fix this?


37.57.578: ======================================================================

37.57.578: Sep 6 2002 12:09:31 N W32 M6 R senor_b

37.57.578: ======================================================================

37.57.578: mem: p/s/t t/a 223M/109M 546M/313M 2047M/2024M

37.57.734: JoyBegin

37.57.750: Joystick 0: "Hercules DJ Control MP3"

37.57.750: Joystick 1: "Dual Analog Rumble Pad"

37.57.750: joy 0: create_joystick

37.57.750: joy: created 0 as "Hercules DJ Control MP3"

37.57.750: joy 0: turned off deadzone

37.57.750: joy 0: x-effect unsupported

37.57.750: joy 1: create_joystick

37.57.750: joy: created 1 as "Dual Analog Rumble Pad"

37.57.750: joy 1: turned off deadzone

37.57.750: joy 1: x-effect unsupported

37.57.750: data directory: C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\Data\

37.57.750: Config Dir: C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\

37.57.750: Add-on tracks dir: "C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\tracks\"

37.57.750: mod: trying mod "UKNatRod"...37.57.750: mod.cfg found ok.

37.57.765: mod: options.cfg not found, copying.

37.57.765: mod: Config Dir override: C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\UKNatRod\

37.57.765: Running on WinNT version 5.1:2600 Service Pack 2

38.00.531: ddraw: created directdraw with s3gnb.dll (S3 Graphics ProSavageDDR )

38.00.531: ddraw: version

38.03.203: vid: 32 meg card (reported:30.886719)

38.03.203: vid: triple buffer on

38.03.437: texture: supports compressed solid texture

38.04.843: mr: 3D performance: 115 MPix/sec, 1553 KTris/sec

38.04.843: mr: fill rate is OK, poly rate is OK, machine speed is 1532

38.06.312: bink(intro.bik): open failed (Error opening file.)

38.06.343: using sound mixer Sound

38.07.906: Installing paint jobs...

38.07.906: res: ResourceGet("stock2.tex") not found, returning NULL!

38.08.968: res: ResourceGet("Ltube2.tex") not found, returning NULL!

38.08.968: res: ResourceGet("Ltube3.tex") not found, returning NULL!

38.09.125: res: ResourceGet("Ltube2.tex") not found, returning NULL!

38.09.265: saving to C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\UKNatRod\paint0.tex

38.09.468: saving to C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\UKNatRod\paint1.tex

38.09.781: saving to C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\UKNatRod\paint2.tex

38.10.062: saving to C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\UKNatRod\paint3.tex

38.10.078: Using user driver file

38.10.078: Forcing player to user driver 702

38.17.453: name = *ArenaEssex.trk/trkshot.img, image = f8624c

38.18.984: name = *Belle_Vue.trk/trkshot.img, image = f8624c

38.19.734: name = *Birmingham.trk/trkshot.img, image = f8624c

38.28.687: joy 0: EnableForceFeedback(1)

38.35.671: joy 0: EnableForceFeedback(0)

38.35.671: joy 1: EnableForceFeedback(1)

38.53.812: unloading ui: 44.1 MB

38.53.828: SCO file !exists or !legit; creating empty one

38.53.828: unloaded ui: 44.3 MB

38.54.578: loaded race: 51.4 MB

38.54.718: ghost: Loading trackline *Birmingham.trk/Birmingham.gcf (Moz) [14.071426 sec]

38.54.734: setting driving video mode = 3

38.55.312: vid: triple buffer on

38.55.453: bpp: Track track.bpp should be rebuilt "release"

38.55.468: records: using actual track length: 400.000000 m

38.55.468: skill_range_fudge!

38.55.546: Warning: using default pit stall, which is inappropriate.

38.56.140: paintjobs: ~novC1-Clio.tex does not exist

38.56.156: paintjobs: ~novC1-Corr.tex does not exist

38.56.156: paintjobs: ~novC1-206B.tex does not exist

38.56.156: paintjobs: ~Player-1.tex does not exist

38.56.156: paintjobs: ~novC1-Clio.tex does not exist

38.56.218: ======================================================================

38.56.218: () Panic: this should be unused

38.56.218: ======================================================================

38.56.250: except: dec: exe 6b06c38

38.56.250: NON-DEBUG

38.56.250: ( 00419510 , none , my_handler )

38.56.250: ( 004194A0 , EXCEPTION_BREAKPOINT , ? )

38.56.250: ( 0041A7F5, call-stack , ? )

38.56.250: ( 00412A2D, call-stack , ? )




I get This on All the mods but it was working fine till last nite


would be gratfull if anyone can give us a hand :2:


Can Anyone tell me how to fix this?


have you added anything recently? i'm concerned as to why it's seeing that Hercules MP3 thingy there as a controller......


Its alright mate av reinstalled everything n the hercules dj controler is ma usb turntables. But everything is sound now :thumbup:

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