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F1 skin painter required


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I am after somebody to paint me two F1 chassis, one chassis is an asmith ( shale ) and the other is a fwj98 ( tar ) my number for F1's is 193 and you will need my shale number which is 790 so i can race both chassis.

If you can paint for them for me pm me and will sort out paint work and signs

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heres your Asmith car. hope its ok. this is only my second attempt at an f1 if i remember right.








i know the front is a bit bare but wasnt sure what to put on it so just left it as it was. If you can think of something i could put on then let me know.


ps i did try doing cheques but they came out all higilty pigilty... (Wrong in other words). So i gave up on them.


o yeh and i forgot to rename the tex file to the number u wanted but this is easily done all u gota do is edit "car193.tex" to "carXXX.tex" XXX being the number u are changin it to.


Heres the Tex file




Cheers Martin :thumbup:





Edited by martwisely
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Thanks martin, looks good, but it does look a little bear on the front as you said.

If anybody has any ideas on what to do with the front please him know, i fancied some cheqs but he struggled with them, if you can help him with please let him know.





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Thanks to mart, for the attempt at a F1 shale car for me but iv had a change of mind and decided on a chassis change :o , I now fancy either a briscas or a briscaes chassis to use on shale, but the paint style aint far off what i wanted with mart's car but the front is bear and also iv found another poss sponsor for the car.






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