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I treated myself to one of these but the steering response seems v slow. Any help or info on setup and calibration etc would be useful as it came without instructions.



Guest Scrapman53

What game are you using it for? If it's rFactor, go to your controller setup menu. In the mappings menu, you should get a gradual sweep of the red bar till you're at full lock. The faster you turn, the faster the red bar moves and it should be at full lock on the red bar whan the wheel's at full lock.


If not, try the game controller calibration in Windows control panel. See if that makes a difference to the rFactor settings.


I'm not sure if that wheel uses the Logitech profiler or not. If yes, then maybe one of the people on here that use Logitech wheels can help. :thumbs_up:


thanks pete, but i'm waiting for a banger conversion before i try rfactor :coffee::whistling:


I'm looking for help for a nascarheat setup so any other advise welcome

Guest Scrapman53

Can't quite remember my settings for Heat, but I'm sure everything was turned down all the way to the left, with about 2 clicks of deadzone on the steering, and since I rested my foot on the brake pedal, I used a slight bit of deadzone on that as well.


PS. I think yo might wait a while for a banger mod. Nick tried it and wasn't happy with the physics, so he's building his own game.


Cheers again pete, i'll try that, if no good then back on ebay she'll go.


Ps i know about the rfactor mod issues, i was just pullin yr leg hehe

Guest Scrapman53

I think Albz had one of those wheels. Maybe he could help?

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