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Steering wheel and pedals for sale


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For sale: Saitek R220 steering wheel with pedals (pix below)


I bought it brand new from pcworld about a month ago purely with a view to using it for rfactor but, quite honestly, i've tried it a couple of times and i just can't get on with it at all probably because i've used a pad for ages!


Altogether it's been used for about an hour so it's as close to brand new without actually being so.


It cost me £30 plus £8 postage and packing as per it's listing here: http://www.pcworld.co.uk/product.php?sku=2..._Froogle_search


I've got no idea if it's a good wheel or not but the same model is used by Parky in ukdirt so it can't be that bad!!!


I'm quite open to offers as the money will be going towards a new pad with some sort of throttle control as i currently suck as rfactor!! It can be collected at a real life meeting aswell.


If your interested then pm me or post here.







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Guest Scrapman53

The only way to get used to a wheel is to persevere. It's worth the effort and mistakes in the end Imo.


I notice it says Digital on the box. Does the steering work like a pad in games, I.E when you turn the wheel/work the pedals gradually in the rFactor settings screen, do the red lines on screen move gradually, or on/off?


That's the difference between Digital and Analogue, digital is on/off where Analogue is progressive depending on the controller position.

Edited by Scrapman53
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Many months ago I bought 100 quids worth of steering wheel and pedals, and I have only used it a hand full of times, and never for an online meeting. The wheel was fun for rFactor, and I agree you can have a greater degree of control.


I found that, depending on your settings the game pad has a much quicker response eg going from one lock to the other means you have to turn the wheel all the way round (depending on sensitivity settings) and if you have force feed back on full that can take a vital second or two, its much quicker just to flick your thumb over the analogue stick on a game pad, and can save you spinning, or getting round that tight corner quicker.


Thats what I found anyway, but each to their own :thumbs_up:




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with the pad you have to have the steering lock lower,with that it means if you go in a slide you have less of a lock to counter steer meaning spin outs most of the time


a pad is an on of switch there is no control in it, with a wheel you can feed the steering in more accurate controling the slide


rikard i'd like to see your lap times with controler compared to someone with a wheel mate ;)

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Thanx for the few suggestions that have been put on this thread.


Ultimately IMO it's down to personal preference.....i've used a pad for a many years so maybe the saying of old dog and new tricks comes to mind, not that i'm old or a dog for that matter!


Wheel is now sold, with the money going towards a pad with some variety of throttle control, similar to the one that MoR posted up not so long ago.


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a pad is an on of switch there is no control in it, with a wheel you can feed the steering in more accurate controling the slide

I'm talking about an analogue controller, with sticks like a PS2 Pad, so with finly tuned thumbs you can have good control, not an on/off switch like keyboard keys. Also pads are less physical, I find a pad is also more comfortable plus you can put your feet up lol :thumbup:



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