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Hi guys, i hope you can help me :thumbup: . I want to learn the art of skin painting and i was wondering if any of you could point me in the direction of were would be a great place to get a copy of any paint programe eg:- Adobe Photoshop Cs2 or something similar.

Then if somebody could do me a quick how to use paint porgrame ( iv tryed marcsbangers, but some links dont work ).



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Hi guys, i hope you can help me :thumbup: . I want to learn the art of skin painting and i was wondering if any of you could point me in the direction of were would be a great place to get a copy of any paint programe eg:- Adobe Photoshop Cs2 or something similar.

Then if somebody could do me a quick how to use paint porgrame ( iv tryed marcsbangers, but some links dont work ).




if you do a search of some of the free software download sites (out of date stuff etc) you'll get an early copy of adobe or psp......i painted for a long time in psp7 , its a perfectly acceptable programme....


happy hunting...... Wrighty :042:

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hi mate I think jock (BIGGUNS) was going to do u a tutorial for photoshop maybe he would be happy to do u one . always worth a go :thumbs_up:

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i use photoshop cs2 takes a while to get use to it and some people i know who use it seem to still not be able to use it after months.. Try a trial you may be good at it and you may not.. Heres what i can turn out not much cop but i like it ;) and the best thing to do is not use any decals they look rubish :thumbs_up:


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As Stress says, it takes a while to get used to Photoshop. I did my own skins from the beginning, and the first few were total crap, but I can paint okish skins now. Mine aren't the best, but I like them, and those who I've done skins for seem to aswell. Again, don't use any of the 'decals', except maybe the cheques (but use the eraser a bit to make them faded), as decals don't look great, and it'll help you learn to paint if you make the 'signs' yourself :thumbup:


It's not easy at first but keep at it, and you might wanna post some of your first attempts up so people can give advice :thumbup:

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