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paintshop pro help


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if anybody has paintshop pro could you please help me how to do it as i have been scrathching my head for 3 days now. or any advice would be appreciated. thanks chris


these two sites offer excellent step-by-step tutorials for psp (they look like the tutorials are for psp6 or 7 but the techniques apply to later versions too)


Hypergurl's step-by-step (scroll down to the bottom half of the page for linked subjects and example exercises)


Baycongroup (more focussed on functions rather than 'how-tos')


bookmark em both (make sure you have a popup-blocker lol, get the google toolbar if u don't have one) and have fun :)

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Open the PSP program.


Open a car template from PSP ( click ' file' then ' open' browse the file where you have the templates stored, then just pick the template you want)


From the layer box, pick the layer you want to paint

then click ' Adjust' - ' Hue and saturation' -' coulorize'( then adjust to your desired colour)


Job done!


Then just move onto your next layer/colour.


The skinpainting guide on Marcys site will help, even though its designed for Photoshop, you will just have to experiment abit to get things to work in PSP



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