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Meanwhile, down at the Dorset Steam Fair.........

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:rolleyes: Sure you`ll all be interested in the Tractor pulling contest :shrug: ahhh come on you are......


Seen it on TV in the States, usually in one of their huge indoor arenas.

Tuned up tractors dragging a specially designed trailer down a straight course against the clock.

Imagine my surprise..... seems a new event at the Dorset Steam Fair is the very same thing, Tractor Pulling.




Custom Van on some super-chunky tyres




This is a breathed on V8 diesel, rear tyres are let down for more grip




The trailer has a heavy weight over the rear wheels at the start and winds its way forward until its over the front sledge






This must have been the noisiest one, sporting a large V8 petrol engine, already the front is starting to rise up.




These rural Hot Rods arent particually fast but powerful, thirsty and noisey, enough to give any one of Green Lobby a dizzy spell.


They should have called it drag racing but someone beat them to it......


:2: Biffo







Went last year biffo and they were quite good one of them did sound rather epic lol how long did you go there for? we went from about 9 till 8 and still didnt see everything lol

  jack 360 said:

Went last year biffo and they were quite good one of them did sound rather epic lol how long did you go there for? we went from about 9 till 8 and still didnt see everything lol


We went on the Friday to miss the crowds but it was still pretty busy, got there about 9.00 and left about 8.30 in the evening, think we saw most of it though.

It is spread out across 600 acres though ( they havn`t yet gone metric in Dorset ).






Just one of the things I didnt go on !


:2: Biffo



  Nick M48 said:

A mate of mines dad used to have a proper tractor pulling machine with a 12 cylinder Merlin engine on it, it was pretty awesome.



Seem to recall a few years back (1970`s) a Mr. Dodd (not Ken) decided to squeeze a Rolls Royce Merlin aero engine into a Rolls Royce car with some success , that is until a couple a years later it caught fire on an Autobahn in Germany, and that as they say, was the end of that.


How about this, a "Tractor" powered by a WW2 Rolls Royce Griffin aircraft engine. A mighty 27 litre V12.


But it doens't just have one engine, it has two! Thats a total of 54 litres capacity over 24 cylinders. I wounder what horse power that develops? Worse still I wounder how many mpg's it returns!! :rofl:


Heres the video:



  calum said:

look at comments Rikard if you scroll down same sort of winers ruin bangers!!


True! If you’ve got some old car, its better to smash it up racing then let it rot into dust. Like them saying those old engines are mechanical marvels, but its better to see them being used one way or another than just sit on display or in a shed.


I was down at the Brighton speed trials today, there were lots and lots of very fast cars and bikes. Many of which were vintage cars, F1 and Le Mon cars from the 1920's and 1930's. Among them was a super charged 8 litre Bently, and other 70/80 year old relics from the past, some worth around £100,000! And most years there’s a "priceless" Bugatti, again around 80 years old.


Everyone stands round admiring them, then the owners take them, fire them up then thrash them down the drag strip, and absolute sight and sound to behold - vintage super cars being used for what they were designed for - brilliant :thumbup:




:thumbs_up: Couldnt agree more M8, rather see an old racer still racing than stuck in a museum.


Took this at the 2004 Goodwood revival, most of the owners race on the limit cos they want to win.




Sometimes someone goes beyond their limit... :o


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