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Meet 9/9/07


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aye some cracking racing there lads, driven how they should be :thumbup:


for the rfactor doubters, the controled pushing wide works no problem in rfactor f1's, people have got too used to the heat physics where the big punts and nerf rail hits pay of in your favour, controled contact works wonders ;)

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13 a low turnout? Sounds excellent to me for this stage in the game - thanks to everyone who ran/raced in the meeting, keep the feedback coming as I keep saying. Glad to see the contact is as intended aswell :thumbup:


Hopefully be able to join you all next sunday :thumbup:

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i thought about it after i posted , i suppose 13 is good for a beta release meeting , but we did have up to 23 the first 1 or 2 meets i think ,


it was good fun anyway , this meet was the first time i done badly , 1st race i got tied up and span and then got t boned by half the pack coming down the straight , lol , it was crazy , well suffice to say it broke my suspension and i made 2 laps before retiring. rest of the meet was quite bad 2nd race i lost suspension again and the GN was much the same :rofl: , the final was ok and i managed to hold on for 3rd , hutch getting the 2nd spot on the last few laps.

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Thanks for the racing only just made it waking up at quater pass 7 in the morning haha...


Had very little time to adjust to the cars...so was struggling in the early stages....Was happy just to get a race win :D And also picking up a 2d the race later....But for the Final and the GN it was all abit of badluck with cars spinning up etc.....


But overall i enjoyed the racing....With a little bit of contact(Nothing what will happen tonight in the NZ Stockies league lol)


Was well worth getting up for and will hopefully do it again....




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I think that was the best meeting we have had so far. We now have a core group of drivers who know the mod, how to drive the cars and more importantly know how to hit in them.


I think 13 is a good number and since 20 is a full grid of cars we are slowly getting there :thumbs_up:


As for the racing, I dont really remember any specific race, just lots of good close racing and respect being shown between the drivers. Actually I lie, I do remember the last corner of heat 1 getting caught in a sandwich between murph and Neil and going across the line backwards to nick 3rd from Murph :rofl:


These things are really hard work from the back though, definatly lost a couple more pounds in sweat last night :rolleyes:

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Yep, really good meeting last night, I threw in a real quick lap at one stage (well quick for me!) but I think I tried to hard after that and just couldnt get it going.


Just cant seem to get the pad setup properly with any combination, I see a G25 coming on soon if things dont improve :scared15::rofl:


Cheers for running/organising it Drum,



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I am quite amazed at the number of people without wheels/pedals here at UKDirt, even with Heat I would've thought that would be enough to persuade your minds to get one!


I always found heat easier to play on keys to be honest, I've never really bought any games where I thought a wheel is essential until Rfactor :scared15:

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