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Help with wheel

Mr Beef

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Could anyone offer any advice on setting up a microsoft sidewinder FFB wheel.

I raced last night and was all over the place. :banghead2:

I am not sure what the deadzone, overshoot and non linear steering should be set at.

What is a good setting for the sidewinder central control panal, at the minute I am set to factory default and using any of the preset schemes seems to make it worse. If someone has a saved scheme for heat could you send it so I can work from that.



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Guest Scrapman53

With a wheel in Heat, I put all the sliders to the left to start with, then 1 or 2 clicks to the right on the steering deadzone, and if you race with your foot resting on the brake pedal, 1 or 2 clicks on the brake deadzone and that's all.

I don't use the software that comes with the wheel as XP recognises it when you plug it in. Just calibrate it in the windows control panel.

If the FFB is puting you off, try turning the strength all the way up in game and then switch FFB off in game, but leave the forces button on the wheel switched on (forces light on in the middle of the wheel)

You might need a wheel setup for the mod you're using as well as I can't drive some peoples pad setups with my wheel.

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