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External Hard Drive Problems


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I have just bought a new external hard drive from Western Digital. It says it is plug and play, but when I plug it in, it says "found new hardware", then starts the wizard, which then fails to install the hard drive because it can't find the correct driver. The PC recognises it is there, but just doesn't install it. My dad tried the hard drive at work, and it worked on his machine so it isn't a faulty drive. I think my Windows might be missing a driver or something, so I did a Windows update and that didn't sort it.

Any ideas how I can get the PC to install the new hardware?




PS I'm running on XP SP2

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It didn't come with a disc and the instructions were useless. Website support is also poor.


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Dunno how much help this will be, but you might want to google the name of the external hard drive, that might help you find somewhere to get drivers for it. I eventually found the drivers to make my modem work this way, might be worth trying.

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Cheers both, I'll give it a go :thumbs_up:

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Sorted it out now :king:

It was some missing drivers, which my mate at school sent me

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