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Simon Reed roling over Killalot at Firecracker


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Video here (at bottom of this post) of Simon Reed's hit on Belgium Kevin Huy...sumthin or other in his 1940's Oldsmobile Coupe


Some epic cars turned up including a 'Bentley' from Pewee.





















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Looked nasty from the other end, luckily he was all ok from it. Gayboy getting followed in looked pretty hard aswell in his ds, apparantly his seat collapsed on impact?!

Did it, I wondered where he disappeared to! lol I couldnt see him in the car at all and I was in perfect view.


It was one hell of an impact with the barrier. I thought the armco would give way with about 7 tonnes of car's hitting both hitting perfectly square on. Gayboy did try and get back out for the DD but he car was too far gone with that hit


The Bentley Biltz on Mr.Mint is here http://nl.youtube.com/watch?v=DZuwgL-Akzc

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we turned up late and ended up on that corner, that ds shook the floor knobby lol :coffee: the studebaker was cool being on the puka lump just made it even more epic :thumbs_up: the james young bentley was well hard, and team blue were putting it about was class, deacon blitzing that armstrong was cool lol it just blew up :thumbs_up: the driver was pissing him self standing watching off the grass :king: but the ds420 limo follow in was'nt square he nearly got out of it and both hit the fence pretty much sidewards but flat out which was why the seat collapsed like a t-bone off the fence :rolleyes:

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we turned up late and ended up on that corner, that ds shook the floor knobby lol :coffee: the studebaker was cool being on the puka lump just made it even more epic :thumbs_up: the james young bentley was well hard, and team blue were putting it about was class, deacon blitzing that armstrong was cool lol it just blew up :thumbs_up: the driver was pissing him self standing watching off the grass :king: but the ds420 limo follow in was'nt square he nearly got out of it and both hit the fence pretty much sidewards but flat out which was why the seat collapsed like a t-bone off the fence :rolleyes:

You could see it coming when he parked his Armstrong on that bend before the race had even started.


There was some G-force going through that barrier when the DS420 hit side-on, I'm not surprised his seat broke!

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You could see it coming when he parked his Armstrong on that bend before the race had even started.


There was some G-force going through that barrier when the DS420 hit side-on, I'm not surprised his seat broke!


Did he not park it there after reds... :coffee:

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You could see it coming when he parked his Armstrong on that bend before the race had even started.


There was some G-force going through that barrier when the DS420 hit side-on, I'm not surprised his seat broke!


Did he not park it there after reds... :coffee: nah tombo the steering snapped coming down the straight and got stuck on full lock :rofl:


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His 1940's olds coupe was actually an a125 saloon and reed had a t-bird lol


Cool clips everyone, i'm not suprised lewis muted his clip with me shouting on....cos i was VERY loud and rather rude :rofl:

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His 1940's olds coupe was actually an a125 saloon and reed had a t-bird lol

lol, now you come to mention it it does look much more like a a125 sheerline, :rofl: i'm not very good with old cars! Think it said Oldsmobile in the proggie, unless I dreamt it. :blink: I'm still knackered from the very long weekend.

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Iv just spoke to Gayboys wife and has confirmed he has broke his back, also he has had his apendix out aswell, typical for him make things complicated for the docs.

im sure everybody on here wishes him a speedy recovery.

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