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Right click on your desktop, then choose 'New' then 'Shortcut'.

Fill it in like the screenshot below where the Target for F1's would be..


"C:\Program Files\Hasbro Interactive\NASCAR Heat\NHeat.exe" -mod:ukdirtf1 -noautoplay"


For the other formula you would change the "ukdirtf1" part to the directory name of whatever formula you want.





Failing that, you can go to the computers C drive, open up program files, hasbro interactive, nascar heat, then in tyhe mod folders (ukdirtf1, ukdirtbangers etc) find the nlittle flag icon and click right click send to desktop, shud give u a shortcut then.


or you could use the nascar heat mod launcher


saves you having lots of Icons on your desk top :thumbs_up:

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