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Bradford Tarmac MI (10/04/2008)


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Good Evening guys,


Welcome to the forth meeting of the season which tonight takes place at Bradford, our second tarmac fixture for the season.


There are 22 cars booked in tonight, meaning there will be 2 heats for everybody, consolation, final and grand national will depend on numbers. Still a good number for the new mod, and rF racing never disapoints!



People in charge tonight are as follows:

Race Manager: Johno

Meeting Steward: MoR

Server Manager: DanSkin


Here are the heat grids for tonight:

Heat 1: 202, 515, 3, 18, 259, 320, 236, 286, 288, 318, 136, 137, 188, 233, 331 CARS: 15 // STEWARD: 39

Heat 2: 202, 300, 3, 18, 112, 236, 291, 315, 318, 39, 136, 137, 290, 413, 331 CARS: 15 // STEWARD: 188

Heat 3: 300, 515, 112, 259, 320, 286, 288, 291, 315, 39, 188, 233, 290, 413 CARS: 14 // STEWARD:137






Please make sure you have two heats, and are not racing at the same time.


Also make sure that you have turned everything off. Run End it all and try to make sure that we suffer no warp.


The meeting will kick off at 9:00pm, therefore please be in chat at 8.50pm.


All that is left for me to say is for you to have a good evening.





Edited by MoR137
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