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When in Paint Shop Pro Click save and when the save window pop's up you can scroll through a list of file types you can save as, TGA is in there and if you mean adobe photoshop a .psd file type should be in there as well...psd is photoshop's main file type like paint shop pro's is .psp....hope this has helped.

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If the images you want only come in psp format you will have to try and find someone that will save them as psd for you then send them back to you ok...Dont see why they made it so you can open photoshop images in psp but cant open psp files in photoshop lol

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  • 3 weeks later...
I have the other problem i cant open photoshop files in psp lol. Any ideas?


Erm, when you install PSP you should be given a list of what file types you want PSP to open, make sure .psd (photoshop file type) is selected before continuing, also could scroll down list to see if you may need any other file types open in PSP that arnt already 'ticked'...But if you have done this already I am sorry, have no idea lol, maybe catch me on MSN and I'll do what I done with Foo. Send me the files and I'll save em as PSP files for ya :coffee: . Hope I've helped :king:

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I have the other problem i cant open photoshop files in psp lol. Any ideas?


If it is giving you an 'Undefined Error -565' or something of the sort, it is because some of the layers must have some photoshop only effects on them. You can sort this by opening them in Photoshop and getting rid of the fx (you'll see a little fx on the offending layer/s) or, if you want to keep the fx, create a new layer underneath the offending layer, and then select the offending layer and press ctrl+E to merge that one down onto the new one.


Hope this helps.


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