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Northampton MI (6/11/2008)


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Welcome to the final meeting on the UK Dirt calendar which tonight will take place at NIR - with a superb attendance of 27!!!


Tonight we are going to try and un the meeting from the server. Of course this is something a little new, and if it dont work, we will just return to MiRC and go from there, but it seemed to work last night when i was testing.


In order for this to be a success, the grids will be announced once in the practice before the race, and then as soon as we get into that race mode, then I will announce them again.


If you are not down to race, please do not come out on track, but feel free to watch the races - thats why we are trying this out after all.


With all that over and done with, here are the grids for tonights meeting:


W+Y: 149, 177, 248, 380, 11, 74, 192, 221, 500, 525, 531, 561 (NORMAL GRADE PLACES)

B+R+SS: 3, 8, 18, 39, 112, 315, 137, 188, 233, 259, 288, 318, 413, 136, 331 (NORMAL GRADE PLACES)


Heat 1: 149, 177, 380, 74, 221, 500, 525, 561, 3, 39, 112, 315, 188, 233, 259, 318, 136, 331

Heat 2: 149, 248, 11, 192, 221, 500, 531, 561 3, 8, 18, 112, 137, 188, 288, 318, 413, 136

Heat 3: 177, 248, 380, 11, 74, 192, 525, 531, 8, 18, 39, 315, 137, 233, 259, 288, 413, 331




This means the grid for the final is as follows:



177 - 149

248 - 380



192 - 561

221 - 525

11 - 531

74 - 500



18 - 39

3 - 315

112 - 8



188 - 233

288 - 318

137 - 259




136 - 331




TRUST FUND FINAL: Depends on results of the Trust Fund Heats


CoC: 11, 8, 3, 315, 39, 188, 233, 318, 137, 259, 413, 136, 331


ROW 1: 11 - 8

ROW 2: 3 - 315

ROW 3: 39 - 188

ROW 4: 233 - 318

ROW 5: 137 - 259

ROW 6: 413 - 136

ROW 7: 331


Well thats everything for now. All that is left for me to say is that I hope you enjoy the final meeting of the season, and thank you very much for supporting us throughout the season.





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Hi Johno

Sorry I couldnt make it tonight. I think I saw Jimmy say I was having a few game problems and he was right lol. I will have to have the connection/game issue looked into over the winter so I can start properly next season. I was looking forward to first meeting with a wheel as well lol.

Sorry for messing you about

tbentley #177

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Hi Johno

Sorry I couldnt make it tonight. I think I saw Jimmy say I was having a few game problems and he was right lol. I will have to have the connection/game issue looked into over the winter so I can start properly next season. I was looking forward to first meeting with a wheel as well lol.

Sorry for messing you about

tbentley #177


No problem tBentley - thanks very much for letting us know, and we look forward to seeing you race in the new season.





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