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An Idiots Guide On....


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i decide to create and Idiots Guide On Skin Painting (using Paintshop pro 9) because skitzo is an idiot and he cannot paint his own skins and im sick of doing them for him. i have also included the tga to tex converter that i use.




hope it comes in helpfull for other skinpainters.


i hope to create a few more Guides on rendering and things so keep your eyes peeled.

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Go get some professional help the both of you.


i tried that, the guy just got a big rubber stamp and stamped mentally ill across my forehead and then tried to put me in a padded room in a straight jacket (not that i wear bent ones anyway).


WHO'S THE IDIOT NOW?????????????


Hows the fat LAZY get mow????? atleast i know how to render and am working on a rendering guide as i type this.

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