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nascar heat essentials

Guest nosey94

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Once you've installed nascar heat essentials. You need to install the mod you wish to race, for example if you wanna do bangers then download and install the banger mod. Once you done that and got it working, paint a skin, or get someone to paint you one. This will give you a 'Tex' file, which is simple dropped into the ukdirtbanger folder along with your drivers text. Your then ready to go

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yes, like you have been told lots of times now, you need a skinpack (some .tex files of other cars and a drivers text file)


open the drivers text file and copy n paste on of the entries then change the number name and chassis to what you want (cassis must be the same as the car file required) then save the drivers text and if its a bangers game then change the car manager to the skinpack you put your skin in (if its not baners just open what ever game it is eg. f2 mod) select your name in game and go racing.


instead of making loads of topics update your old ones which are about the same thing.

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