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Hi lads, iv looked at the other threads about new laptops but none of the links are working so here goes, my brother is looking to get a laptop and wants to be able to run Lfs, Rfactor and Banger heat. He has about £400 to spend could anyone point me in the right direction? Any help appriciated. Cheers Sibbs

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Didn't come on here 2 argue. If you can't help then dont bother posting. Simple really aint it.


need at least 500 upwards for a decent pc to run rf without glitches and freezing up

Thanks for a sensible reply mate, Will tell him.

Edited by sibbs
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I'm telling you if you want pacman graphics then a 400 quid laptop is the way to go, its not an argument its a fact.................. and if yer 300 quid laptop runs lfs tell your bro to buy that instead of posting pishh


If you want to be 'realistic' 400 odd quid will get him a half decent base unit

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