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I have been practicing round skegness for a bit and have been having problems. When I go to brake and turn into the corner my car will turn but when I brake it just goes straight on. I am wondering if it is anything to do with my settings :shrug:


Thanks to tinman for helping me but I am wondering if theres anyone out there that can help me as it is starting to annoy me now :banghead2:


Here is a few pics of my settings. If you can help it would be great.






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Hi Walker,


This may be a bit of a long shot, but have you checked if you have any of the driving aids turned on (they can be turned on mistakenly by hitting their assigned keys when playing offline - they will be disabled in an online server). Check in the difficulty menu - there's things like steering help and braking help which have caught me out in the past.


Otherwise, it sounds quite strange - does it happen on all tracks? If not, i suppose it could be setup related (brake bias?).


Hope it helps a little.


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Hi Walker,


This may be a bit of a long shot, but have you checked if you have any of the driving aids turned on (they can be turned on mistakenly by hitting their assigned keys when playing offline - they will be disabled in an online server). Check in the difficulty menu - there's things like steering help and braking help which have caught me out in the past.


Otherwise, it sounds quite strange - does it happen on all tracks? If not, i suppose it could be setup related (brake bias?).


Hope it helps a little.



Thanks to MoR for helping me out. Problem solved :thumbup:

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