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once upon a time...


my external hard drive decided one day not to turn on. I dont think its the hard drive thats the problem i believe its the power supply. It was a maxtor one touch II 100gb external hard drive


I decided to take it out of its external case and put it into my PC. I decided to do this as I desperately need the work that is on it!!!


My internal hard drive is a sata whereas the external hard drive is a ide. This is not a problem as my motherboard has slots for both


I went out today to buy a ide cable, plugged the ide hard drive into it, and connected the power supply to. I have set the jumpers to master on the ide hard drive.


When i go to boot the computer with the new hard drive, the computer starts for a milli second then dies. ( This is mean the fan twitches, the lights blink etc)



What the hell am i doing wrong?? Please dont let the tech geeks take £100 from me from PC World!!!


The End



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