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Baarlo MI - 27/8


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First race tonight will be the Long Track Championship. The grid is:

ROW 1: 112 .. 2

ROW 2: 363 .. 3

ROW 3: 16 .. 315

ROW 4: 290 .. 365

ROW 5: 323 .. 527

ROW 6: 256 .. 11

ROW 7: 164 .. 599

ROW 8: 515 .. 15

ROW 9: 551 .. 41

ROW 10: 236 .. 495

ROW 11: 39


The race will be over 25 laps to determine the 2009 Long Track Champion. There will then follow a full meeting.


The grids are:

HEAT 1: 15, 515, 599, 11, 164, 527, 39, 236, 315, 3, 16, 363, 41, 112

HEAT 2: 495, 515, 599, 11, 365, 551, 39, 256, 323, 3, 290, 363, 2, 41

HEAT 3: 15, 495, 164, 365, 527, 551, 236, 256, 315, 323, 16, 290, 2, 112


If 1 or more drivers drop out or fail to show we will run an all-in meeting.


The final and GN will be all-in regardless.




Start Procedure

Due to the length of the track we will adopt a different start procedure for tonight only. White grade drivers (and the front row of the championship race) will line up on the back straight half way down where the bend is for the short track. The other grades will line up behind them with normal grade gaps. The GO will be called on exit turn 4. This effectively is a quarter of a lap.

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