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Crimond MI


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Hello and welcome to Crimond for the rFactor F2 nationals. The championship race will be the firrst race of the night, followed by 3 heats an all in final and GN


Heat 1: 313//16,//27,236,365//46,56,152,233,488,926//41,164.315 Steward TomD


Heat 2: 313//495,//39,236,515//46,79,363,488,531,926//41,112, Steward Aub


Heat 3: 16,495//27,39,515//56,79,152,233,363,531,//112,164,315 Steward Drumbstick









365 164

968 495

112 531

46 152

363 236

515 16

233 488

926 27

315 39

313 79

56 41

Edited by drumbstick
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