Johno3 Posted November 14, 2009 Report Posted November 14, 2009 As is a UK Dirt tradition, at the end of the season, we always like to have a suggestion thread, where you put forward your thoughts and opinions on the season that has just past, and more importantly, suggest ways that you think would help the league to improve. So basically, it is over to you. Please remember not to go slagging people off, and also try not to put down anybody’s suggestions. Please feel free to criticise if you feel something has been done, or handle wrongly, but please do so in a constructive manor, and perhaps suggest a way that your problem could be improved. Things that you might like to consider are: Season Length Did you think the season went on for too long? Was it just right? Does it need a slight reduction? I can confirm we do have a draft fixture list, with the championship dates to be announced over the coming week, and we plan to run about 45 meetings next year. What do you think to this? Double Headers Did we run too many of these this season? Should we perhaps reduce the number? Do we need them at all next season? The draft fixture list currently has no double headers, with some people debating if we should have one for something different. What do you think? Wednesday meetings Do you like having a few Wednesday meetings? Do you think they should be taken out? The draft fixture list currently has 3 Wednesday meetings next season. Do you think that is too many? National Series Do you think that this was a success? Did you like the ‘Shootout Version’ of the National Series? World Final Qualifying Rounds at the end of the season Do you think these should be run the year before? Does it give you something to race for at the end of the season? Anything else Have I perhaps missed something that you would like to see change? All suggestions will be discussed at the Admin meeting over the coming weeks. Closing date will be the 28th of November, giving you 2 weeks. Cheers Johno
JK16 Posted November 14, 2009 Report Posted November 14, 2009 My Things: Season Length: Its fine Double Headers: Some times fun to do but sometimes just to long. Wednesday meetings: I Hate Wednesday racing at ukdirt because some other leagues are on Wednesday also or ppl cant race on that day. So just stay on the normal day. National Series: I love to see that you need to race for the points hole the year and not last 8 meetings. Just count the first till the last meeting and who is first then is Points champion World Final Qualifying Rounds: Don’t do it a year before that’s give new ppl no change to get some points. and just don’t like it Anything else: Yeas. 1.I think there’s to many skin packs. I know you all wane have ppl cars in but 18 skin pack is much 2.I think replays needs to be better controlled and given penalties. Sorry about my spelling. lol Cheers, JK
WaningeJr#61 Posted November 14, 2009 Report Posted November 14, 2009 For me as newcomer here will give my vote,dont look @ my english is not the best. Season Length I dont have raced in the begin so cannot say or its too long,but maybee we can do some more meetings in july&august and miniumum in the other months etc (Hope you understand what i mean) Double Headers The time is the biggest problem for us as dutch riders i think 23.00pm is fine for us but then its yours time 23.00pm and then it is here midnight. But when we dont doing any double header there are more meetings in the season. Wednesday meetings I dont love it,have doing other things on my Wednesday night. National Series Cannot speak about it dont have done any meeting. So its up too you all World Final Qualifying Rounds at the end of the season No look at me as new comer here and more as Kevin and Harmen soo they are want too ride a WF too same as all other peoples,so its not the best idea i think. Anything else Dont have done so much meetings i can talk about it so its fine. Greetz, Jordy Waninge
Walker363 Posted November 14, 2009 Report Posted November 14, 2009 Season Length Did you think the season went on for too long? Was it just right? Does it need a slight reduction? I can confirm we do have a draft fixture list, with the championship dates to be announced over the coming week, and we plan to run about 45 meetings next year. What do you think to this? I think the season was perfect and had the right amount of meeting. In my opinion it was spot on. And no it does not need a slight reduction,don't fix something that aint broke! Double Headers Did we run too many of these this season? Should we perhaps reduce the number? Do we need them at all next season? The draft fixture list currently has no double headers, with some people debating if we should have one for something different. What do you think? I don't think we ran to many meetings. I don't think we need to reduce the number of double headers keep them as they are but I can see it from other peoples point of view that don't have a chance to do double header meetings. I think if we don't want meetings to run for far to long then we need to ditch the double header meetings but thats just my opinion. Wednesday meetings Do you like having a few Wednesday meetings? Do you think they should be taken out? The draft fixture list currently has 3 Wednesday meetings next season. Do you think that is too many? I like having some wedensday meetings but not all the time as I normally have some college work to do so like to have some free time to get it finished. I don't think they should be taking out but I think we need to cut back on them. 3 wedensday meetings sounds perfect to me. National Series Do you think that this was a success? Did you like the ‘Shootout Version’ of the National Series? The national series was spot on in my opinion and made a exciting battle for the silver roof. I think the shootout version of the national series was brilliant keep it the same for next season I say. World Final Qualifying Rounds at the end of the season Do you think these should be run the year before? Does it give you something to race for at the end of the season? I think doing some world qualifying rounds during the 2009 season was good as it gives you a better chance to get some points on the board before the end of the season and you don't end up trying to hard as you have the start of next season to get more points so deffo gives you something to aim for. Anything else Have I perhaps missed something that you would like to see change? Nope spot on I think
MoR137 Posted November 14, 2009 Report Posted November 14, 2009 Season Length The season length sounds long, but it isn't at all that different from this year, which has flew by in all honesty! Sounds good to me Double Headers I personally hate these. After one meeting I've had enough and I don't think I'm the only one as I think the racing standards decrease in the 2nd one. It's a long long night of racing, and if the meetings take around an hour and half your looking at 8 til 11, not including any pre-meeting practice. It's kind of evening consuming! If we are to have some on the calender next year, I think we need to ensure that servers are set-up correctly every time for decent practice (especially when there are NS Shootout rounds!) and that meetings start on time (see below for more on that). Wednesday meetings Wednesday meetings don't really appeal to me now I'm a little bit more part-time than I used to be, but I don't see any harm in having them. I used to like the idea of the European being a little special because it was spread out between the Wed and Thurs; having other Wednesday meetings definitely takes off the shine. National Series I'm not really a champion of the national series or shootout in real life because I wear frankie-tinted glasses, but I actually quite like it in UKDirt! With a long 45 meeting season, that's a lot of grind for anybody who wants to challenge for the title, so much like the real thing, you won't get many challengers step up! This year has been quite good I think, with a nice little bit of competition mid-season to get into the shootout followed by the shootout itself. Sure, the shootout hasn't really 'kicked off' like we may have liked and the man who has won the grading points will probably win the silver too, but I think it's given a little more meaning to the end of the season that wouldn't have been there if we went off the grading points. If the shootout is kept in real life, I'd say keep it in UKDirt! World Final Qualifying Rounds at the end of the season Probably got a few more bookings when things would usually be winding down and bookings would be dropping off. They do what they are there to do and that's fine by me! Anything else 1/ Sorry to sound a little grumpy on this one, but meetings should start at the advertised start time. Everybody knows when that is, so if they haven't got all the correct downloads or haven't turned up, we should go without them. We shouldn't be waiting until 8.45 to start. 8.30pm is the start time and there's 3 minutes waiting time for people to make it to the server unless they are in contact with another member and are genuinely being held up by a problem out of their control (unable to connect, game crashed, etc); even then there needs to be a limit. 2/ I think with the reduced number of members, the 'as-and-when' skinpacks worked better than the monthly style I used to do. However, saying that, I think skinpack needs to be compiled into one skinpack at every grading period to reduce the backlog of downloads if you have to reinstall your game, or start your season in October etc. 18 small ones is too much. 3/ Keeping the skinpacks in one thread at the top is neat and ensures that everybody knows what's out. However, reinforcing my earlier point, people often miss it up there which leads to meeting hold ups and much confusion! I would suggest 2 things: when a skinpack is added to that thread, there should also be a list of who is included, so people can pinpoint the one they are missing easier. Secondly, all skinpacks could have a separate individual announcement thread with capital letters and lark so people don't miss them.... hopefully (keep the sticky thread, but just have announcements too to ensure it stands out). Sorry to be grumpy on some stuff, but I suppose that's what the thread is for! Having said all that, there really isn't much to complain about! The league has ran very well all year. It doesn't matter how many times it's said, it's still good to remember what a commitment admin work is, and what a massive task it is to keep the league running smoothly week after week. You do a great job, keep it up guys! Cheers MoR
JK16 Posted November 14, 2009 Report Posted November 14, 2009 And one thing for me. I mis the newsletters. Always looked out every month to read it! Its it comming back or no time? Same with pictures every meeting Cheers, JK
Walker363 Posted November 14, 2009 Report Posted November 14, 2009 (edited) JK16 said: And one thing for me. I mis the newsletters. Always looked out every month to read it! Its it comming back or no time? Same with pictures every meeting Cheers, JK I plan to do pictures from every meeting next season hopefully but all depends on time. Edited November 14, 2009 by Walker363
Johno3 Posted November 14, 2009 Author Report Posted November 14, 2009 JK16 said: And one thing for me. I mis the newsletters. Always looked out every month to read it! Its it comming back or no time? Same with pictures every meeting Cheers, JK I will put something together at the end of the season JK. I am afraid this is my fault - with taking up my first teaching post, my time was a little bit reduced, but now the real life season is over, I have time at the weekends, so there will be a newsletter at the end of the season. As for next year, no promises I am afraid. Cheers Johno
Matty300 Posted November 16, 2009 Report Posted November 16, 2009 (edited) Season Length Fine here, personally I dont see any reason for the Uk dirt fixtures to mirror the real life fixtures over the season, its obvious from the comments in mirc & the game lobby that some tracks are favoured more than others so take a vote on which should be included & how many meetings at each track. Double Headers Personally I enjoy them as it gives the less regularly attendees the opportunity to get a few meets in despite not being able to race every thursday. It can drag on as MoR points out, however RM's need to get tough on the allowances made for reboots, downloading of skin-packs etc., & if the meet starttime is 8.30pm start at 8.30pm. Last weeks double header at Ippo & Coventry illustrated perfectly how frustrating going to the grid can be only to have restart after restart with time getting on, although im not sure what the solution is. Issues like only finding out which version of the Ipswich track i had installed when i got booted is annoying & could be remedied by a quick post on the forum that version 1.1 was going to be used that night. This would help meetings to be run more smoothly. Wednesday meetings In principle I like them as work committments have seen me missing many thursdays. Id be all for meetings running on a monday one week, tuesday the next & so on. National Series Fine here, added a bit of spice at a point of the season where regular attendees have everything sewn up. World Final Qualifying Rounds at the end of the season No opinion Anything else 1/ Disciplinary issues are wildly inconsisitent to my mind. Ive been on the receiving end of disciplinary points this season & i have no complaints, however when you see certain "others" getting away with precisely the same things you have been punished for, it just makes a mockery of the disciplinary procedure. As recently as last week at Cov I was wiped out leading the GN with a lap to go by one veteran of UK dirt who was in 16th a lap down who followed in someone else as part of a race long dispute in which ridiculous over the top hits were being exchanged. Ive PM'ed Admin more than once this season to absolutely no avail as the drivers responsible were free to turn up the following week & wreak havoc again & again without any sanctions.Why have a disciplinary system in place if it isnt applied fairly to all drivers? Is it a time issue for the admin team? Are they swamped with complaints & replays to watch? Clarification from admin on this would be welcome. 2/ I think regrading needs looking at or at least needs to be more responsive.More than once this season drivers have been hopelessly misgraded which makes that meeting redundant with the same driver winning every race from white. Whether this is because their skill & level is unknown after migrating from Sim-Stox i dont know, however the in-meeting promotion from white to yellow after accumulating 30 points is unfair in my view. 3/ When drivers use the novice car skins they should use the correct colour roof. This isnt hard to sort & should be the drivers responsibility.I cant speak for others but I find it confusing when a white comes & grids up in amongst the yellows, & also makes it harder to judge other drivers ability. Overall it is a sterling effort from everyone concerned on admin though despite my observations, & it remains a superb mod which is the next best thing so long may it continue. Cheers Matty 300 Edited November 16, 2009 by matty
Johno3 Posted November 29, 2009 Author Report Posted November 29, 2009 Thanks very much to everyone that has commented so far. Can I just bump this up, and let people know that this thread will be closed on Thursday night at 6pm. The reason for this is to give me time to get your suggestions in order ready for our Admin Meeting. Cheers Johno
Jimmy Posted November 29, 2009 Report Posted November 29, 2009 Season Length Fine for me even though i didnt race much this year Double Headers Not so keen on them, but don;t really mind. have a few perhaps, one every 2 months or something. Wednesday meetings I don't tend to race wednesday meetings, but i would like nz mod to have this slot all year round as theres nothing on weds next year i don't think. But if nz cant be run then a few wednesday meetings wont go a miss. National Series No opinion as im never in top 6. Shoot out added extra drama i think though so keep it. World Final Qualifying Rounds at the end of the season Keep these as it gets bookings up with there being something to race for. Anything else 1) Have a pack with all the skins in every now and then, for a new driver coming late on in the season, theres a lot to download and might miss one out thus causing mismatch.
Johno3 Posted December 6, 2009 Author Report Posted December 6, 2009 Thanks to everyone that made a comment. We had a very productive admin meeting, and we just have one or two things that we need to discuss before we release any more details. I will very quickly answer the questions that I put to you. Season length It will be a few meetings less than last season. Double headers There will be no double headers next year (two meetings in one night). Wednesday meetings In order to keep the season about the same length, we will need to run some Wednesday meetings. Obviously, the bulk of the main meetings are on a Thursday, as this is the main F1 day. National Series This will remain the same as this year, with the only difference being no jokers are to be played. We feel that with the secrecy it is a waste of time, but we also feel that if we made them public, then it could cause more trouble on track. Therefore, we will keep it simple, and say no jokers. World Championship Qualifying Rounds at the end of the season As it stands, we dont intend on running these at the minute. We will look at how the semi finals go this year, and judge from there. Disciplinary This has been discussed and there will be some tweaks. I will announce these once we have confirmed them as a team. Cheers Johno
munis Posted December 17, 2009 Report Posted December 17, 2009 also i you guys started at 7pm uk time i would make every meeting earlier start the better
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