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Just Think


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email doing the rounds;


Think about this one - it's scary




How many zeros in a billion?


This is too true to be funny.


The next time you hear a politician use the

Word 'billion' in a casual manner, think about

Whether you want the 'politicians' spending

YOUR tax money.


A billion is a difficult number to comprehend,

But one advertising agency did a good job of

Putting that figure into some perspective in

One of it's releases.



A billion seconds ago it was 1959.



A billion minutes ago Jesus was alive.



A billion hours ago our ancestors were

Living in the Stone Age.



A billion days ago no-one walked on the earth on two feet.



A billion Pounds ago was only

13 hours and 12 minutes,

At the rate our government

Is spending it.



Building Permit Tax

Cigarette Tax

Corporate Income Tax

Dog License Tax

Income Tax

Unemployment Tax

Fishing License Tax

Food License Tax

Fuel Permit Tax

Petrol/Diesel Tax

Hunting License Tax

Inheritance Tax

Inventory Tax

(tax on top of tax)

Liquor Tax

Luxury Tax

Marriage License Tax

Property Tax

Real Estate Tax

Service charge taxes

Social Security Tax

Road Usage Tax

Local Tax

Vehicle License Registration Tax

Vehicle Sales Tax

Workers Compensation Tax




Not one of these taxes existed 100 years ago...

And our nation was one of the most prosperous in the world.


We had absolutely no national debt...

We had the largest middle class in the world...

And Mom stayed home to raise the kids.


What happened?

Can you spell 'politicians!'



What the hell happened?????

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What a load of [b][color=red]FILTERED[/color][/b] - the Facebook Group guide to Political Economy.


100 Years ago the population of the Britain was about 50% what it is now, the tax payer base probably about 25% as mum stayed at home not working (or having the vote) and a substantial amount of the population were essentially still peasants living on the whim of the landowner.


Average wages were about £2 per week - £104 a year (compared to £23000 pa now) - do the maths and the scale of the cash coming in to government can be calculated.


Kids worked down pits and cleaning chimneys and there was no NHS, schools, national police or fire service, old age pension, winter fuel relief, child benefits, unemployment benefit or income support - if you couldn't pay your way you went to the poor house.


The government is still the biggest employer in the country, so a lot of the taxes we pay simply gets redistributed to teachers, doctors, firemen, coppers, bin men, DSS staff trying to deal with the lazy chavs who scrounge dole and rob the rest of us. (But at least they pay back some tax on their Lambert & Butlers, and White Lightning)


I am not defending the shower that are in government now, or the ones that were in before them, right back to the fuckwits who had millions of British soldiers climbing out of trenches and walking to their deaths across no man's land in WW1. 2 World Wars (and one World Cup), a Great Depression, austerity in the 50s, the swinging 60s, the recession of the 70s, 80s and 90s housing boom, and the out of control growth of credit, (money that doesn't exist) got us here, all contributing in stages.


What do suggest we do anyway? Vote for David Cameron? become anarchists? throw out all the foreigners? cut and past half arsed nonsense on a forum?

Edited by bathyboy81
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What a load of FILTERED - the Facebook Group guide to Political Economy.


100 Years ago the population of the Britain was about 50% what it is now, the tax payer base probably about 25% as mum stayed at home not working (or having the vote) and a substantial amount of the population were essentially still peasants living on the whim of the landowner.


Average wages were about £2 per week - £104 a year (compared to £23000 pa now) - do the maths and the scale of the cash coming in to government can be calculated.


Kids worked down pits and cleaning chimneys and there was no NHS, schools, national police or fire service, old age pension, winter fuel relief, child benefits, unemployment benefit or income support - if you couldn't pay your way you went to the poor house.


The government is still the biggest employer in the country, so a lot of the taxes we pay simply gets redistributed to teachers, doctors, firemen, coppers, bin men, DSS staff trying to deal with the lazy chavs who scrounge dole and rob the rest of us. (But at least they pay back some tax on their Lambert & Butlers, and White Lightning)


I am not defending the shower that are in government now, or the ones that were in before them, right back to the fuckwits who had millions of British soldiers climbing out of trenches and walking to their deaths across no man's land in WW1. 2 World Wars (and one World Cup), a Great Depression, austerity in the 50s, the swinging 60s, the recession of the 70s, 80s and 90s housing boom, and the out of control growth of credit, (money that doesn't exist) got us here, all contributing in stages.


What do suggest we do anyway? Vote for David Cameron? become anarchists? throw out all the foreigners? cut and past half arsed nonsense on a forum?


as ever, just awesome :appl:

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as it says it is an email doing the rounds. Picking holes in it is too too easy. Life expectancy, political freedom, social mobility, eradication of epidemics, low low priced luxury goods are certainly things i enjoy. I pay my taxes, my wife is a stay at home mum, and we've still money left over to enjoy life a little.


But for a minutes reading it is an interesting perspective, a snipe at the ruling bodies that put a smile on my face. It has something of the angry man about it but then so do lots of bodies of text.


You are right though, I should stop posting half arsed nonsense on our forum, afterall we must leave space for our intelligentsia to share the fruits of their intellect.

Edited by xTx
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You are right though, I should stop posting half arsed nonsense on our forum, afterall we must leave space for our intelligentsia to share the fruits of their intellect.


Hey dont be too hard on yourself xTx , :rolleyes: ..........I enjoyed you`re half arsed nonsense .. lol


One things for sure who ever you vote for they`re gonna be taxing our arses off to try to get out of this huge hole we`re at the bottom of.


Think they`ll be going down the Climate change track very soon after spending 5 Million Pounds on that Little girls Bed time Horror story Ad regarding towns dissappearing under water and is there a happy ending..? ..........No we`re all going to be brain washed into more taxes to save the Planet, or save the Treasury as it should be known !


What about the floods in Cumbria recently I hear a few of you cry... yes you , over there, dont hid behind that monitor.

Well it just happens that one of the most unpredictable things on the Planet is the weather, even with all the technology available the Meteological people still cant promise what the the weather will be from one week to the next with too much accuracy, let alone the next 50 - 100 years.

You`re still going to get weather horror stories, but dont panic `cos just think of a scene where the North Sea floods over the land in East Anglia for hundreds of square miles causing death and destruction and a great down pour of rain as never before seen dumps down on Exmoor. The streams and rivers rise up and a wall of water carrying rocks and boulders crashes down to the small village of Lynmouth in Devon taking with it cars, people, bridges and buildings , which are washed out to sea......

....and when did this all happen August 1952 and January 1953 , just 6 months apart.


:shrug: Of course I could be wrong and we`re all gonna die as the planet blows up.....oops!


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