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MKTEX on Vista

Guest ChrisPye

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Doe anyone know how to get MKTex to work on Vista Home? Each time I try to run it, the MSDOS window opens and then disappears like a flash!


hi m8,

dont forget you have to have the mktex file in the same folder as the tga. (Although this wasnt on vista) i always had to do the following:


open the dos window, then type cd<space>(paste in your target folder address from the top bar in the folder window) so the prompt changes to your target folder name, then type mktex<space>car105.tga<space>car105.tex


i think.....its been a while lol

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hi mate. i havnt raced online for a while but i have vista and this is what i always use. just copy/paste youre tga file 24 bit uncompressed into the folder. (make sure its simply called 'car'. then double click the 'tex' file. theres an mktex file in there as well i didnt delete it in case it needs both to work. cheers, damo.




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