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A60 estate problem


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I've downloaded the A60 estate template from the website but it doesn't fit the a60 estate chassis?


Is it because the website template is Rodders but we use Reg's chassis?


If so does anyone have Reg's version and can Admin check the website download please?


If not then any idea's?





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answered my own question, found reg's on the BWS site.


Does mean the ukdirt download is wrong oh well

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new a60 chasis:






Thanks Smiffers, as said those are reg's versions that we race but when you download the a60 estate template from www.ukdirt.co.uk it is the wrong one, it is rodder331's a60e version and gives a messed skin in game. I got around it by downloading the correct template from reg's BWS site so i'm sorted but the website version is still wrong :shrug:

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