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as I said to you in the meeting Bobbert. I had the 8400 which ran ok so can't see why this shouldnt run it. However, the 8400 had to be run with a lot of the graphics settings turned down a bit, but looked ok to be honest. I have since upgraded to a 9800 and that runs full spec very easily. downside is that it costs about 90 quid apposed to 25.


Cool ta for the replys lads. I went and purchased the one i posted in the end as money is a key factor in my purchase adn seeing as the wife dont know i have spent the money yet then best to keep it to a minimun :) I also bought more ram so shhhhhhh

I'll be happy if it runs it with settys all at nearly full as the inbuilt chipset on pc is not the best and any improvement will be cool.

Right time to save more pennys and start looking into what wheel to get now lol

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