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NIR V1.0 Released!


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Hi guys,


Over the past few months, I've been looking at bringing NIR up to the standard of my other tracks. Released 2 years ago, 0.6 was only meant to be a beta version because it was quite rushed, but I never got around to finishing it it properly until now.


What's New

- Most of the track has been re-textured, and some of it has been remodelled.

- Transporters in the pits, as I previously did with Cov.

- Night lights

- Fixed track dip when driving close to fence on straights.

- Marker tyres moved closer to the kerb edge to discourage corner cutting.


Hopefully you'll think it's a worthwhile improvement :thumbup:



1. If you had 0.6 installed, delete the NIR folder from rFactor > GameData > Locations and NIR.hat and NIRHR.hat (if they are there) from rFactor > UserData > LOG > HAT.

2. Download, unzip and install.


>>>>>>>>>>DOWNLOAD IT HERE<<<<<<<<<<


Admin will let you know when it's on the server, ready to race.




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