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Results / Points - Sheffield 15/7


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With 23 cars booked to race a 2/3rds format was to be used with the Semi-final run as the third race. Both NZ drivers failed to turn up in chat forcing a change of plan.


3 heats were run using the 2/3rds format and the Semi-final was run as a separate race. This format will be used in a fortnight's time at the Buxton Semi-final meeting. The semi-final scored final points.


The results were:

HEAT 1: 365, 315, 112, 137, 221, 39, 8, 87, 300, 262, 164, 515, 136, 3

HEAT 2: 365, 136, 300, 527, 561, 8, 172, 188, 112, 16, 363, 315, 515, 525

HEAT 3: 527, 3, 363, 561, 137, 87, 16, 17, 39, 221, 164, 188, 525 (dnf 172)


SEMI: 561, 315, 137, 39, 3, 551, 8, 16, 188, 87, 363, 17, 525, 515, 221 (dnf 164, 365) - RESULT SUBJECT TO CONFIRMATION


GRAND FINAL: 363, 527, 3, 172, 561, 315, 300, 515, 112, 39, 525, 137, 17, 8, 365, 262 (dnf 164, 87, 221, 188, 136)


GN: 3, 527, 39, 561, 112, 172, 8, 515, 315, 300, 137, 164, 17, 365, 221, 363, 525 (dnf 262)


The points scored were:

Number .. Points

561 .. 56

3 .. 51

527 .. 43

315 .. 42

39 .. 33

363 .. 31

137 .. 27

172 .. 24

8 .. 20

112 .. 20

300 .. 19

365 .. 16

515 .. 12

551 .. 12

16 .. 11

87 .. 8

136 .. 7

188 .. 7

221 .. 5

17 .. 1

262 .. 1

Zero: 164, 525


Congratulations to the top 10 from the Semi-Final (Subject to confirmation) for qualifying for the World Final in September.

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woop woop jnr is back !!!!

thz for tonight guys was the est glad me and trav are cool again and big al man u 2 quick for me now stay yellow bec im on my way and murf well done m8 =D

sham about the semi but hope it comes out ok when all dought with

thz again all cya next week


ps dazza where were u m8???

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ps dazza where were u m8???



he didnt have to race tonight, he is in buxton semi.



great meeting. a classic battle with the bumper all night and what a great race between myself and mor in the final, cant believ we were that far down aswell, harmen liked sticking the shiny metal in aswell, classic race.




wd smurf and wacky walker

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Thanks for the meeting - well done murf and all qualifiers from the semi, and well done Walker on the final.


The meeting was fantastic - even the two races where I had some bad luck and didnt score points (final and GN) were awesome! The semi was really cool - lots of cars sticking the bumper in for the first couple of laps with the lead chopping and changing, once things settled down and me and LeeK set about chasing Murf, there was no chance we were going to keep up on an open track. Mike made a decent recovery getting back past me and LeeK, although I am slightly disapointed I didn't make more of a point near the end of the race were I came to lap Spike and tapped him into Mikes left rear, holding him up slightly. A bit harder may have earnt a 2nd place had it have spun him, but with LeeK and those behind not far away, it wasn't worth the risk of getting into a bumper battle! For me, that's three shale rfactor semis and three 3rd places, so maybe third time lucky from that position? Haha I wish! :rolleyes: Should be a great race; looking forward to seeing who qualifies from the Buxton semi!




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Starting from row 2 outside I thought that I was in for an early retirement, and already had a bet with myself which post I was going to be parked on, turn 1 post 8, but fortunatley for me that wasnt the case.... The race got underway and I found myself away with the pack.... Got stuck on the outside in the nascar style on the first 2 laps, as others where pushing to get to the front, and still managed to keep away from the posts.... As the group spread out a little I grabbed the opportunity to dive to the inside line (perhaps a little over keen, soz JK again) to make my bid for the battle for the front... Things fell into place for me and managed to grab the lead, and as everyone pushed and nudged for position I broke away... Thanks to the back markers who was well on the ball and left room to get by, I especially remember coming up to Jarry and Big Al having their own fight, and managed to leave a gap for me to pass, and as soon as I was by I saw them at it again in my mirror... Cheers all, great meet and place on the front row for the WF.....

Edited by Murf
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