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24th August - Kings Lynn - National Championship

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The full MI will appear here once bookings close at 7.30pm on Tuesday.


Start Time 8.30pm


Race 1: Last Chance Qualifier (4 to National Champs) - 12 laps

Race 2: National Championship - 20 laps

Race 3: Allcomers 3/4 cars - 16 laps

Race 4: Allcomers 3/4 cars - 16 laps

Race 5: Allcomers 3/4 cars - 16 laps

Race 6: Allcomers 3/4 cars - 16 laps

Race 7: Dash - Allcars - 12 laps clutch start


National Grid















Bookings are still open until 7.30pm.


There are 4 places available on the Championship grid via the Last Chance Qualifier.

Posted (edited)

Due to cancellations (or not booking in more to the point) the grid has changed to:



371 - 688

365 - 611

55 - 531

323 - 904

47 - 495

190 - 212

96 - 924

543 - 68

LC2 - LC1

LC4 - LC3

LC6 - LC5


There will now also be 6 places available from the last chance race.


Start Time 8.30pm


Race 1: Last Chance Qualifier (6 to National Champs) - 12 laps

979 - 71 - 3 - 209 - 228 - 29 - 246 - 911 - 18 - 249 - 711 - 202 - 774 - 390 - 87 - 84


Race 2: National Championship - 20 laps


Race 3: Allcomers 3/4 cars - 16 laps

29 - 246 - 543 - 228 - 979 - 209 - 911 - 249 - 365 - 688 - 47 - 249 - 904 - 495 - 371 - 774 - 531 - 323 - 390 - 202 - 96 - 55 - 212 - 84


Race 4: Allcomers 3/4 cars - 16 laps

29 - 246 - 543 - 228 - 71 - 3 - 190 - 611 - 688 - 47 - 249 - 904 - 18 - 711 - 774 - 531 - 323 - 390 - 924 - 87 55 - 212


Race 5: Allcomers 3/4 cars - 16 laps

29 - 246 - 911 - 979 - 209 - 71 - 3 365 - 611 - 688 - 47 - 495 - 371 - 18 - 711 - 774 - 531 - 202 - 96 - 924 - 87 - 55 - 84


Race 6: Allcomers 3/4 cars - 16 laps

543 - 228 - 979 - 209 - 71 - 3 - 190 - 365 - 611 - 249 - 904 - 495 - 371 - 18 - 711 323 - 390 - 202 - 96 - 924 - 87 - 212 - 84


Race 7: Dash - Allcars - 12 laps clutch start

Edited by Chewy102
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