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Onchan TT Part 2 (Monday) Results


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Hello Chaps,


Thanks all for racing and the driving standards were pretty good tonight considering the tires,


Here are the Results and Points:


HT1: 632, 87, H550, H542, 151, 774, 46, 136, 112, 496

HT2: 39, 112, 881, 151, 41, H87, 136, 632, 496, H550

HT3: H542, 881, 2, 41, 112, 46, 172, 774, H550, H599

HT4: 881, 41, 39, 221, 774, 151, 136, H87, 912, H599

Final: 41, 112, H87, 881, 46, 151, 488, 632, 39, 172

GN: 488, 881, 112, 39, 151, H87, *41*, 46, H599, 172



Drumb 41 - 50

Aub 881 - 50

TomD 112 - 43

Robin H87 - 38

Folocooo H542 - 36

Dode 151 - 34

LeeK 39 - 29

Nezza 46 - 24

Johno 632 - 19

Dave 488 - 18

Leech 774 - 14

Kruiz 136 - 11

Lars H550 - 10

Pusher 2 - 8

Spike - 7

Spike Jnr - 7

Harold H599 - 5

Wrighty 496 - 3

Kedno 912 - 2

Budge 313 - 0

Tosh 164 - 0


Congratulations to Drumbstick for Winning the Final and Joint Top Scoring, Congratulations to Aub aswell for Joint Top Scoring, And Congratualtions to the other Winners


Thanks for Racing, Get booked in for next week Lads :thumbup:

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First of all, thanks to Tom and Drumbstick for running the meeting.


Well done to Drumbstick on taking the title. Have not watched the replay yet but I assume it was a very good race up front.


Personally, I had a very enjoyable night. Did not practise very much which meant I was always adjusting things throughout the meeting, and I did get faster, but no doubt my best race came at the start of the night where I took a nice win, avoiding all of the carnage. Having said that, the Grand National was a fantastic race between Dave, LeeK and myself. Unfortunately when I went for the hit on Dave I spun myself out, but never the less it was superb racing between the three of us. That said, I enjoyed the final too, although again I went for the hit on Sub and got it all wrong!! Clearly I pretty much enjoyed every race :rofl:


Like Tom mentioned, despite the tyres playing a major part here, the racing was very good with people giving plenty of respect throughout the racing. Well done to all involved.





Edited by Johno3
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Cheers lads


A really good nights racing, although the first couple of laps in the final had more carnage than I think I have ever seen before in a race. I got caught up but then got a bit lucky Tom had PC problems causing him to spin, but it was a good race from there on in :king:

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