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Coventry MI - 9/9


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27 cars booked to race tonight at Coventry with a start time of 20:30 so please be in chat by 20:25 and the meeting will be run from chat tonight.


The heats are:

HEAT 1 (WORLD FINAL): 1, 561, 315, 531, 391, 137, 39, 136, 262, 3, 8, 527, 16, 188, 31, 488, 87, 172, 112, 365, 413, 41, 323, 221

HEAT 2: 31, 221, 484, 39, 61, 85, 136, 365, 391, 3, 16, 188, 413, 112, 137

HEAT 3: 172, 484, 8, 61, 85, 262, 323, 488, 41, 87, 527, 531, 561, 1, 315


The grid for the WF is:

ROW1: 1 .. 561

ROW2: 315 .. 531

ROW3: 391 .. 137

ROW4: 39 .. 136

ROW5: 262 .. 3

ROW6: 8 .. GAP

ROW7: 527 .. 16

ROW8: 188 .. 31

ROW9: 488 .. 87

ROW10: GAP .. 172

ROW11: 112 .. 365

ROW12: 413 .. 41

ROW13: 323 .. 221




The top 14 points scorers will go straight to the grand final, the rest will race a consolation race for the remaining 8 places.


The server will be set to night time after the consolation race.


There will then be enough GN's for everyone.


Please make sure you have the 'WF special' track installed. Get it from here and also the skinpack from here.


IMPORTANT: The server word will be changed just before the meeting starts and will be given out in chat.


Also due to the server playing up tonight - All races MUST go from green flag to chequered flag in order for a result to be confirmed. If any race is ended for any reason during the race, then the race will be declared null and void, and a re run will take place.

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