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Northampton Results / Points - 16/9


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20 cars raced at Northampton this evening (the 38th meeting of the season). The results were:


Heat 1: 527, 16, 315, 221, 1, 3, 188, 172, 137, 236, 553, 262, 391, 380, 8, 488, 39, 290, 343

Heat 2: 262, 391, 8, 39, 527, 137, 172, 221, 290, 315, 236, 380, 16, 1, 553, 343 ( dnf 488, 3 )


Grand Final: 39, 290, 1, 527, 16, 137, 236, 391, 380, 119, 8, 221, 553, 262, 488 ( dnf 3, 315, 343, 172 )


Grand National: 137, 221, 1, 3, 391, 290, 527, 236, 262, 553, 315, 8, 119, 39, 488, 172


LeeK (39) started the Grand National from a lap handicap.



The points scored were:

Name .. Points

fast track (527) .. 33

Tom D (1) .. 31

LeeK (39) .. 30

MoR (137) .. 28

Dazza (290) .. 27

Corny (391) .. 22

JK (16) .. 21

Spike (221) .. 16

DanSkin (236) .. 15

Harmen (262) .. 11

Johno (3) .. 11

Mike (315) .. 7

davey boy (380) .. 6

Tosh (8) .. 6

Shawty (119) .. 4

spikejnr (172) .. 3

Aub (188) .. 2

Lars (553) .. 2

Zero: numbnut grogan (343) , Dave (488)



This meeting also saw a round of the Thursday Night Thunder Series. The results were:


Thursday Night Thunder Race 1: 290, 315, 1, 39, 3, 137, 391, 527, 488, 262, 119, 236, 553, 8 ( dnf 172, 221 )

Thursday Night Thunder Race 2: 8, 315, 391, 1, 137, 3, 290, 488, 236, 553, 39, 221, 527, 119 ( dnf 172 )


The points scored were:

Name .. Points

Mike (315) .. 20

Dazza (290) .. 17

Tom D (1) .. 17

Corny (391) .. 14

Johno (3) .. 13

MoR (137) .. 13

Tosh (8) .. 12

LeeK (39) .. 8

Dave (488) .. 7

fast track (527) .. 4

DanSkin (236) .. 3

Harmen (262) .. 2

Lars (553) .. 2

Zero: Shawty (119) , spikejnr (172) , Spike (221)


This means that after 3 Thursday Night Thunder Series meetings the overall points table is:

Name .. Points

Tom D (1) .. 44

Corny (391) .. 41

Mike (315) .. 38

Tosh (8) .. 34

matthewb (413) .. 30

MoR (137) .. 29

Johno (3) .. 29

Aub (188) .. 27

LeeK (39) .. 23

Drumbstick (41) .. 20

Dazza (290) .. 17

Harmen (262) .. 17

fast track (527) .. 14

Murf (561) .. 10

spikejnr (172) .. 7

Dave (488) .. 7

DanSkin (236) .. 3

Skeet (31) .. 2

Jarry (164) .. 2

Lars (553) .. 2

Zero: Shawty (119) , Kruiz (136) , Spike (221)


The points scored by white, yellow & blue grade drivers, using the multiplication system [white x 2.0, yellow x 1.5, blue x 1.0] and excluding those drivers who are in the top 2 places in the overall points chart are:

Name .. Points

Tosh (8) .. 34.0

LeeK (39) .. 23.0

Harmen (262) .. 17.0

spikejnr (172) .. 10.5

Dave (488) .. 7.0

Skeet (31) .. 3.0

Jarry (164) .. 3.0

DanSkin (236) .. 3.0

Zero: Shawty (119) , Kruiz (136) , Spike (221)

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Well done LeeK on the final win, and well done to FT for top scoring. Thanks to Kev for a great meeting.


Enjoy last nights meeting - the heats were a little heavy at the back, with hits everywhere and nobody really getting anywhere, which can be frustrating but it's usually part of the package at tracks like NIR and Cov where everybody is very equal. The final was a decent race, with a pretty big pile up near the end which allowed a few places to be gained by the chasing pack. The GN was a great race, where most of the superstars seemed to get a good break (might be the dwindling numbers in the red grade that helped that). Spike is proving that he is starting to get to grips with the game now - once me and DanSkin got about chasing him, it took a good few laps to reel him in. The race went down to last bend which saw a great hit from Spike on me, which I luckily managed to hold for a rare win.


Good to see a couple of fresh (or refreshed) faces tonight, with Shawty looking good to get to grips with F1s after a few meetings practice and Daveyboy making a return (and promptly getting stuck in whenever I got near - just like old times :rolleyes: hehe ).


Looking forward to the British next week - always love the format of racing for a grid slot for the big race! See you then! :thumbup:

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Was nice to be back, and a pretty good meeting too. I had some excellent racing all night, but never really got to the end of a race without making a costly mistake... Still was good atmosphere and fun.


Thanks for the meeting folks. :thumbup: Well done LeeK and FT also.

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