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Buxton Results


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Well Done to Robin for winning the Final and Joint Top Scoring with Drumbstick and 2 race wins each, Also WD to Ali for a Heat Win and BFD on the W+Y Win,


W+Y: 351, H599, 269, 848, H542

Heat 1: 1, 87, 112, 46, 351, 550, 79, 269, 151, 599

Heat 2: 87, 121, 881, 256, 1, 488, 46, 495, 351, 151

Heat 3: 121, 1, 87, 488, 112, 256, 151, 599, 46, 495

Final: 87, 1, 121, 599, 351, 488, 256, 881, 79, 112

GN: 1, 121, 256, 599, 488, 112, 79, 87*, 495, 848


87 - 53

1 - 53

121 - 44

256 - 28

488 - 28

599 - 25

112 - 21

351 - 20

881 - 14

46 - 13

79 - 12

151 - 7

495 - 6

550 - 5

269 - 3

848 - 1

542 - 0


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Edited by tommyd
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