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F2 Beta testers


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The ftooz are having some tweaks in the off season. This will not be a

complete overhaul, however you will be surprised at how different the

tarmac cars feel with just a few small tweaks. The shale physics will not

be changing, however both cars will be having the damage tweaked to lower

the number of punctures and wheels flying through the air.


Anyone is eligible to apply to help out, we are looking for about 15

drivers taken from all grades, the provisional dates we are

looking at are Monday the 6th, 13th, and 20th of December(Starting about 8:30) and we would

expect people to commit to at least two but preferably all three of these



To apply you must be a member of the UKSOM forum www.amaspero.co.uk/forum

and the application forms can be found HERE. Applications will close on the 29th of November.


Once you have completed the application please either add it as a reply to

the thread or PM it to either drumbstick or Hooty on the UKSOM forum.

Edited by drumbstick
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Applications are now closed, we had nearly three times as many applications that were needed so we are sorting and we will let people know as soon as possible if they are in or out. We will be using a number of factors to determine successful applications including but not exclusive to number of meeting done in the last third of 2010, real life experience and a fair split between the grades.


Thanks to all those that applied we appreciate each and every one of them

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  • 2 weeks later...

Good news is the forum is back, bad new is all the backups before the end of September got trashed with the server so anyone that has joined since then will need to join again and we have lost all the testing applications.


Now I will be honest and say with the shear number of applications we have no chance to remember who applied, and even less chance to remember who was on our final list. A small number of people who when they applied were identified as key testers for different reasons will be getting PMs today inviting them to be part of the test team.


However I would advise everyone who applied, please PM me on the UKSOM forum to say you are still interested in helping out, if you joined the forum after the end of September you will also need to recreate your account.


If you no longer want or are able to help with the testing and you do get a PM please let me know as soon as possible.


Apologies to messing you all about with this but we have no choice from here.



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  • 5 weeks later...

Just a quick update guys.


Were probably about 99% happy with where the mod is now, the new chassis are not quite ready yet but we will try to get the new physics out to you in the next week or so so everyone can be ready for the new season.



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