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F1 Stockcars V1.4 released!


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Well it's that time of year again, and I've been frantically getting an update for the F1 mod together. I hope you like the new stuff - you've got the brand new yarrowT and yarrowS chassis, some new upgrades for the wainmanS and wainmanX and 20 new real life skins (massive thanks to Dave, Demon, Marco, JanHarm and Tom for helping out with those).


This time around, rather than producing a patch, I've included the whole mod in the installer, so if you're installing from fresh, you won't need to download all 5 versions, you can just download this one. I'd definitely recommend taking this opportunity to clear your mod out and start afresh. You can just install over the top of what you currently have though.






The instructions look pretty hefty, but it'll only take you two minutes!


1. Go to 'C:\Program Files\rFactor' and delete the 'F1SUIData' folder and all of the F1Stockcar readme files here.

2. Go to 'C:\Program Files\rFactor\GameData\Talent' and delete the 'F1Stockcars' folder.

3. Go to 'C:\Program Files\rFactor\GameData\Vehicles' and delete the 'F1Stockcar' folder.

4. Go to 'C:\Program Files\rFactor\Music' and delete the 'F1Stockcar' folder.

5. Go to 'C:\Program Files\rFactor\rFm' and delete all files with a name containing 'F1Stockcar'.

6. VERY IMPORTANT! Go to 'C:\Program Files\rFactor\UserData\<Your Player Name>' and delete 'F1Stockcars.cch' and 'F1Stockcars_league.cch'.

7. Run the installer for v1.4




This should work fine, but if you get any weird issues, try a fresh install before posting them on here.


1. VERY IMPORTANT! Go to 'C:\Program Files\rFactor\UserData\<Your Player Name>' and delete 'F1Stockcars.cch' and 'F1Stockcars_league.cch'.

2. Run the installer for v1.4



That's it for this year. Enjoy the new update :)





PS - templates are attached.

PPS - UKDirt admin will let you know when the server has been set up with the new mod. The website will be updated soon.




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I can see what your saying Hooty but the forum has been very quiet the past couple of weeks. I think people are always grateful it is just that nowadays they don't tend to show it. Some of course dn't come on here over the festive period. Then again, getting people to respond to things is getting harder and harder as is shown by the awards that we have seen so far.


Anyway, thanks very much to all the guys from UKSOM that have have taken the time to update he mod once again. I was fortunate enough to be one of the first to check the download before it was released and thus had a play with some of the new cars. I must say, they have done a superb job once again.


I can also confirm that we will be running a Winter Series using this mod starting next Thursday. I will attach a Skins thread later in the day and then confirm full details this weekend once we have confim everything on the Admin front.





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I'd just like to add my thanks to all the guys who have spent many hours working on this.


It has inspired me to dig out the rFactor disk and reload it onto the PC to check out the updates. I've not had any of the mods on the PC since it crashed over a year ago!

If I can manage to master a few laps without spinning, I may even have a go online.


Thanks again guys, great job as always. :appl::thumbs_up:

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Wouldn't let me edit...i only have the novice green skins in game at mo is that correct?

was wondering if i could do some praccy in the cars i picked to do winter series?


if you click on the top menu customise, then click player then click racing series and select f1 stockcars v1.4 and you should see the real life skins

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