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Coventry 14/02/11


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Hello All, Here are the Results and Points from tonights test meeting


HT1: 881, 233, 365, 848, 46, 164, 1, 199, 131, 496

HT2: 881, 151, 112, 1, 496, 164, 233, 2, 365, 172

HT3: 881, 112, 151, 496, 912, 164, 365, 1, 172, 131

Final: 881, 112, 164, 1, 365, 912, 151, 848, 172, 46

GN: 112, 1, 151, 912, *881*, 848, 2, 496, 164, 365


Points :-

881 - 62

112 - 45

1 - 37

151 - 33

164 - 33

365 - 29

912 - 23

496 - 17

848 - 15

233 - 13

46 - 8

172 - 7

2 - 3

131 - 3

199 - 3


Messer: Lars#550


Congratulations to Aub on Winning all 3 Heats, Final and 5th in the GN, I managed to win the GN,


Thanks all for racing, some good stuff through the night,


Hope to see you all at the UKDirt Open, Info can be found HERE

Edited by tommyd
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