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thanks to all that raced tonight well done to all winners 236, 164, 39 in the heats 39 again in the gn and well done to tom112 for winning the final and top scoring





Heat 1: 236, 39, 112, 164, 87, 954, 488, 760, 552, 599 // 115, 165, 313

Heat 2: 164, 1, 87, 488, 115, 315, 221, 599, 552, 46 // 151

Heat 3: 39, 112, 221, 313, 165, 151, 1, 760, 46, 954 //315, 236


Final: 112, 1, 315, 87, 151, 954, 39, 313, 760, 221 // 236, 599, 164, 488, 115, 46, 165, 552


G.N: 39, 87, 236, 115, 221, 760, 112, 1, 315, 151 // 46, 164, 954, 165, 552, 488, 313, 599





112 - 45

39 - 37

87 - 37

1 - 34

315 - 23

221 - 20

236 - 18

151 - 18

164 - 17

954 - 16

760 - 15

313 - 13

115 - 13

488 - 11

165 - 6

552 - 4

599 - 4

46 - 3



hope to see you all and more next week when we are back on shale at mildenhall get booked in on ukdirt site now

Edited by Dave488
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god I hate this track lol. every year I do aweful here.


thought the hits were way ott tonight from some drivers, and some driving was generally aweful again. Seems to be the story of the season so far for me and I am struggling to enjoy the racing at the moment as a result of it.


think it was the gn - first lap practically, Samwit pretty much took me to the wall and into a crashed parked car!! Sorry to use you as an example Sam, but seriously, driving like that just makes the red mist decend. Once I had caught you up I pretty much had to hammer you as hard as i could to get passed, so I knew the hit wouldnt come back next bend!!


my car being written off most of the night pretty much summed it up.


hopefully things will settle down soon. wd tom though, you seemed to avoid the crap all night.



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god I hate this track lol. every year I do aweful here.


thought the hits were way ott tonight from some drivers, and some driving was generally aweful again. Seems to be the story of the season so far for me and I am struggling to enjoy the racing at the moment as a result of it.


think it was the gn - first lap practically, Samwit pretty much took me to the wall and into a crashed parked car!! Sorry to use you as an example Sam, but seriously, driving like that just makes the red mist decend. Once I had caught you up I pretty much had to hammer you as hard as i could to get passed, so I knew the hit wouldnt come back next bend!!


my car being written off most of the night pretty much summed it up.


hopefully things will settle down soon. wd tom though, you seemed to avoid the crap all night.


Driving tonight was shocking.

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First time online for about 3 years I think, only downloaded F2 rFactor on Sunday, so sorry if I messed up anyones race.


I was trying hard to move over when being lapped, but 2 drivers in particular seemed to need to whack me anyway - their numbers are on the dash if I decide to percervere and get on the pace!


Thanks again Dave for sorting me out.


Mildo was my favourite track on Heat, even managed to win a Final their on WF night, so who knows, may download that and join you again next week.


Thanks to Admin for the racing and well done to the winners.

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You were fine Counter, I cost myself places in the heats with spins and then did better than usual in the Final/GN, I spent most of the night too far down to notice most of the bad driving!

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You were fine Counter, I cost myself places in the heats with spins and then did better than usual in the Final/GN, I spent most of the night too far down to notice most of the bad driving!


Yea not you counter good to see you out there

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It's fine Nezza as I will learn from you highlighting what i've done wrong.

Well done to all racewinners last night, especially Tom for the final.

Nice to see you get in the results and get some points Counter, keep it up :)

Pretty chuffed with 16 points considering my first meeting from red, hope to see you guys at Mildo, should be interesting lol


Cheers, Sam


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