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First thing you want to do is hide the 'labels' layer so you can see the car body more easily. I don't have the newest version of Photoshop but they should all be similar. To hide the labels, click on the button circled in this pic;




You can then go to the body colour layer (as shown in this next pic);




Now you can either press Ctrl & U and adjust the Hue, Saturation & Lightness or use the paint bucket to change the colour.


You can do the same thing with the 'wing colour' if need be.


For decals, you can either copy/paste ones that have already been made or you can make your own. I made a tutorial of sorts on making decals, it can be found at the following link; http://www.ukdirtforum.com/index.php?showtopic=30180&hl=


Now go to the 'blocks' layer, you may want to get the labels layer back for this. With the 'blocks' layer selected, click on the magic wand tool (circled) and make sure it is set to 'contiguous' (also circled) and click on the first one. You can again use Ctrl and U or the paint bucket to change the colour. Then do the same with the next block etc.




Finally, once all the decals etc are on, set the opacity on the body colour and wing colour layers to 100. Opacity is on the 'layers' window;




Now, to save your skin, you will need the dds plugin (search google for 'dds plugin', should find it), make sure the dropdown box (circled) says DXT1 no alpha (not what it says in the picture), there are some other settings you need to change which I can't remember off hand, maybe somebody else can assist on this point?





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