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MEETING INFO: Wimbledon (13/10)


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Evening folks. 22 cars for tonight's meeting. It's a tarmac masters round - so please check you all have 3 heats.




Heat 1: 172 199 237 33 285 365 221 249 262 527 3 90 380 560 1 112 236 (stew 525)

Heat 2: 172 199 33 285 39 98 221 249 525 527 3 115 380 560 151 112 236 (stew 1)

Heat 3: 199 237 285 365 39 98 249 262 525 3 90 115 560 1 151 236 (stew 112)

Heat 4: 172 237 33 365 39 98 221 262 525 527 90 115 380 1 151 112 (stew 236)






Johno might be back to run the meeting. Please head to chat for 8.25...

Edited by DanSkin
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