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RESULTS: Wimbledon (13/10)


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Well done Tom for top scoring. Thanks all for racing.




Reds+Blues: 527 249 115 236 90 221 262 380 525 98 151 560 (laps 527, fast lap 527)


Heat 1: 249 112 90 262 380 236 560 1 172 237 365 221 527 285 199 33

Heat 2: 112 527 236 249 151 172 560 98 285 380 33 199 525 221 39 115

Heat 3: 115 1 39 151 262 560 3 249 365 525 98 285 236 237 199

Heat 4: 262 1 112 90 39 3 115 172 527 98 237 365 151 221 33 525 380


A-Final: 236 115 1 112 262 560 3 249 151 98 90 221 527 365 33 525 39 380 172 237 285


GN: 249 151 527 115 33 112 525 98 221 90 365 236 262 380 560 285 3 237 172




46 pts 112 Tom D

41 pts 115 michael green

38 pts 249 stoxjack

34 pts 236 DanSkin

33 pts 1 Mike

31 pts 262 Harmen

28 pts 151 dode

20 pts 527 fast track

19 pts 560 Dodge

16 pts 90 LiamB

15 pts 3 Johno

13 pts 98 Bailey

10 pts 33 jakie

10 pts 39 LeeK

9 pts 525 Mav

6 pts 221 Spike

5 pts 172 spikejnr

5 pts 380 davey boy

1 pts 237 rickyljames

1 pts 285 Mav_Jnr

1 pts 365 travel

0 pts 199 Waqar

Edited by DanSkin
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