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Skinpack Issues


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Hi folks!


Various skins included in skinpack 01 are not in line with the UKDirt F1 rules... In most cases the problems are small and they have been included in favour of having a large number of novice cars racing.


(I have not included 2012 re-used skins in this list, for obvious reasons)



162 no wing infield side number + no number plate number

174 no number plate number

229 no number plate number

231 no number plate number

246 no number plate number

300 no wing infield side number + no number plate number

473 no number plate number

90 no number plate number + other issue



229 no number plate number

231 no number plate number

262 no number plate number

300 no wing crowd side number + no number plate number

473 no number plate number

550 no number plate number

691 no number plate number


The thread for skinpack 02 is here. This gives the folks listed above plenty of time to get the issues resolved.


Any cars not submitted with the infringements corrected for skinpack 02 will incur a disciplinary penalty.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi folks.


162, 231 and 550 will shortly incur a disciplinary penalty.


Again, I have included some skins in this skinpack in favour of novice skins circulating.



162 no wing infield side number + no number plate number

231 no number plate number



60 no number plate number

231 no number plate number

384 no wing crowd side number

550 no number plate number


These skins will need to be correct for skinpack 03.


Any cars not submitted with the infringements correct for skinpack 03 will incur a disciplinary penalty.

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  • 4 weeks later...

Hi folks.


162, 231 and 550 will shortly incur a disciplinary penalty.


Again, I have included some skins in this skinpack in favour of novice skins circulating.



162 no wing infield side number + no number plate number

231 no number plate number



231 no number plate number

303 no number plate number

550 no number plate number


These skins will need to be correct for skinpack 04.


Any cars not submitted with the infringements correct for skinpack 04 will incur a disciplinary penalty.


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  • 1 month later...

Hi folks.


162, 231 and 550 will shortly incur a disciplinary penalty.


No skin errors this time, yey!


These historical skin errors will need to be correct for skinpack 05.


Any cars not submitted with the infringements correct for skinpack 05 will incur a disciplinary penalty.


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