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UKDirt F1 Admin Team


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For 2014 we would like to try and "grow" the UKDirt F1 Admin Team a little. Towards the end of the 2013 season I have divided some of my previous roles (to LeeK the disciplinary organisation, and to Fast Track the skinpacks), it is my intent to continue to "lead" the team, although it really is and always has been a team effort.


In general we would be interested in folks who would like to try and help with:

- running meetings

- assessing disciplinary incidents

- promotion materials (previews, posters, videos, etc)

- contribute to general organisation and running (season planning, grade reviews, etc, etc)


It needn't be a major commitment, but of course does require some effort.


If you are interested please send me a PM through this forum. Please let us know if there are things you specifically would/wouldn't want to be involved with, or if there is anything else you feel you can bring to the team.






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  • 3 weeks later...

Just a quick bump to this thread for those who applied.


Applications are currently being reviewed by the existing F1 Admin Team - so hopefully it is resolved within a week or so... :bop:


Thank you.






Quick edit for anyone checking in... I'm away working for an extra week, so this will be resolved weekend the 15/16 Feb, thanks!



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  • 3 weeks later...

Good afternoon folks...


Following our request for applications to the F1 Admin Team we are pleased to announce the following additions.


To the F1 Admin Team:





To the F1 Disciplinary Team:



Thanks to everyone who applied, my apologies to those of your who were not successful at this time. I hope it does not dampen your enjoyment of racing here at UKDirt, and we will try to bear you in mind in the future.


Good luck to those newly promoted individuals. :king:

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